15: Demons

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Daryl's POV

I watch as Nix tenses up at the sound of Douchebag's voice and I realize that this is her ex. That Tomàs guy.

I aim my bow at him when he makes suggestive comments to my girl, causing him to back off.

"Nix, baby, go into the cell block and get Rick and T." I say and she rushed inside.

Phoenix's POV

I rush inside and T and Rick both go outside to take care of the prisoners.

Soon Daryl comes back and says that their going after food from the cafeteria before going to clear the prisoners out a block.

I shudder as I realize that Tomàs is going to be living in the same place as me and go back to my cell.

Sometime later, about three hours, Daryl comes back.

"That prick is dead." He says and I sigh with relief.

"Thank God." I whisper and he smiles as he hugs me and we lie down.

A few days later, we are outside, Carol, T, Rick, Daryl, and I moving cars to hide them, cause Daryl said that how they looked made this place look vacant.

We torture Maggie and Glenn a bit by making sex jokes to them to get them down here to help us.

We see Dad walking and I smile as Beth, Carl, and Lori are there. My smile crumbles when Carl screams Walkers.

I bolt as fast as I can to them and get Lori and Carl inside the prison, only for these damn alarms to go off like there's a damn riot in here.

I see walkers coming from one side and groan as I turn us around only to be cut off again.

"Fuck!" I cuss as I try to think of something. I see a door and rush to it.

"Get in now!" I yell and we all run inside, me locking the door.

I notice there's something up with Lori and walk to her.

"Lori, is everything okay?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I- I think the baby's coming." She says and I go wide eyes as she's only 35 or 36 weeks.

Lori tries to push first, but there's too much blood and I realize that she needs a C-section. Something I've never done.

"I know what this means, and I'm not losing my baby. You have to cut me open." Lori says and I shake my head.

"Lori, Carol practiced that, I don't know what I'm doing!" I say and she shakes her head.

"See the scar. Cut along it. Carl has a knife." She says and I wipe away tears.

"You won't survive." I say and she nods, pulling Carl close and telling him she loves him.

"I'm sorry Lori." I say as I cut her open, Carl begging me to stop, but I continue, trying to get the baby out. Lori's body shudders from the extreme blood loss as I finally get to the uterus.

"Carl give me your hands. Carl! I need to keep the site clean, if I cut too deep, I'll cut the baby." I say and he helps me as I finally get the baby out.

I see she isn't crying and quickly flip her over, rubbing her back gently.

Come on, breathe honey!

Finally she starts screaming and Carl sheds his flannel for me to wrap her up in.

We e go to leave, but Carl says we can't leave Lori like that.

I pull out my knife, only for Carl to stop me.

"She's my mom." Carl's deadpans as he goes to Lori's body and shoots her in the head.

Daryl's POV

"Lori, Carl and Nix went into the cell block." Hershel says and I pace as I wait for my girl to get her ass back here.

Suddenly the doors to D block open and out comes Carl and Nix, but no Lori. Nix has a baby though.

I realize what has happened. Lori went into labor and didn't make it.

Rick breaks down once he realizes Carl shot his mom, and falls to the ground like a little baby, sobbing.

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