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Tori, Maggie, and Jesse carried the conversation. I pushed my food around my plate and I noticed Billie doing the same thing. Patrick and I talked about the weather and old bookies, Maggie was telling me about all she's doing to help with plant-based eating and I found my heart hurting so much. I missed them, Billie has me pissed off but they were like the parents I never had.

"It was so nice catching up, you need to come over for a day for one of my lives and we can cook!" Maggie said hugging me.

"That'd be great." I smiled.

"And you're welcomed any time too." She said to Tori.

"Thank you so much, it was a pleasure." He said and she hugged him. Once in the car, I quickly lit a smoke, when I went to close the pack I noticed a phone number written on it. I rolled my eyes and started the drive home.

"So how do you know them?" He asked.

"I was in Billie's dance class. When she hurt herself I had to deliver a signed card to her, we just started talking and." I shrugged. "I don't like talking about my past."

"I can't believe you never told me you knew her."

"Sorry." He talked on the way home about her and how big she's gotten, her tour that just ended and I was ready to scream. Once I dropped him off at his place I turned on my playlist. Adam's song started blasting through my speakers and I started to cry. Intrusive thoughts came back quickly. She even got rid of my number... I can't believe her. I drove, and drove, and drove. At six AM I pulled into my driveway. I went inside and plugged in my phone, once it came on I had eight missed texts from Tori and three calls. I went to my voicemail and sighed.

"Hey Viv, are you ok? I texted a few times and I want to make sure you're good." I hit seven and the next message started.

"Me again I drove past your house and you are not home please call me" I hit seven again than the last message played.

"V. You have my number blocked, call me please." A sniffle. "I'll be out in a sec!" She said. "Vivian please." She sounded drunk. I hit seven and ended the call. I opened my messages and clicked Tori. 'Hey I'm fine just needed to drive' My phone started to ring almost instantly.

"Are you ok?"

"I just needed to drive."

"You scared me."


"Are you ok?" He asked again.

"Yes, Tori. I'm fine."

"Ok... I'm on my way to work. Text me later, get some sleep."

"Kay." I sighed. I pressed end and went to shower.

I laid on the couch in my towel and ran a hand through my wet hair, I grabbed my phone and unlocked it going to TikTok. At some point, I must have fallen to asleep because when I woke my phone was ringing. "Hello?" I mumbled.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing." I yawned.

"We just had a big order come in and Maria went home sick, anyway you can come in?"

"Sure, I'll be in shortly."

"Thank you, love." I pressed end and stretched. I got dressed and quickly left, I stopped at Starbucks for a coffee and when I walked into work I could tell it was going to be a long night and I was so happy about it.

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