(Fantasy-Adventure) Diamond of Darkness.

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Wizard Extension Program

School of Spells

July 16, 2040


Dean, School of Spells

Dear Ma'am:

This is to inform you of my study which I began to work on twenty years ago. I was a student at your respective institution and I have always been fascinated about life, the reason why I chose to enhance my healing ability. Perhaps, you are in shock of my sudden message but I just want to clear things out before it is too late.

Back in 2019 right before I graduated, I was secretly trying to figure out a way to sustain the balance of life since we are already at age wherein human race is at risk because of human crimes and violence and I really don't want for humankind to vanish without giving a fight.

I sailed the Western Philippine Sea for this study, and I found an amazing island of mermaids. But then, a Maiden Witch curse me and took away half of my soul. I, against all odds have a battle with a band of the world's most dangerous monsters and faced different challenges on different islands just to have my lost soul and reverse the spell casted on me.

But I failed. Half of my soul was already burnt in hell. So I thought of finding a legendary relic, the Diamond of Darkness. When I found the diamond, magic is released by my body giving me powers that an ordinary human doesn't have. Finally, after fighting terrifying forces, and monster, I found the most incredible power any wizard would die for.

I did everything to have my half soul back with the help of the diamond but I can't. Until one day, I gave up. I just continue to live my life for other wizards. I stay in my laboratory all day long to find a way on how I can help my world instead of travelling in other dimension.

You may think I'm crazy or anything but I have already figured out ways on how human can continue their living, peacefully, through death. Studies have already proven that the more population a region has, people are capable of creating violence against themselves. So I decided to come up with a game plan.

Years ago, Malthus theorized a rather peaceful apocalypse, bloodless, even, caused by overpopulation. Using the Diamond of Darkness, I formulated a disease where people will die slowly that others will think of it as if it was natural. But don't worry, it has a cure anyway. So why am I telling you all of these? It is simple, you have been infected and you are not the only one. For generations, I've been choosing a certain person of a certain capability to control a mass. And now, you are my subject.

At this moment, you only have five days to live. You can either stop your death or follow as I will instruct you. Did I mention that exposure to infect person for at least a month can cause them, too? How's your family doing, by the way?

Now, you have five days to commit massacre of your choice, don't even worry about the criminal liability you are about to encounter, I have been working with high ranking officials for a long time and I'm sure you have already heard of the incident in Maguindanao a few years ago. He already died, but he was never accused.

A mail containing the cure will be sent immediately. I will be waiting for your confirmation in five days. Thank you and may you have a peaceful living or otherwise.

For continuous existence of humanity,



It's done – 07/19/40

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