Missing Poster

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A/N I'm so sorry I haven't been posting I'll try to do better.

It's been a week now and the entire time I've never heard from or seen Vance ever since the fight. I was pretty worried you would normally hear people talking about his recent fights but lately there was nothing said about him. I was walking home with Robin, Finney, and Gwen until I seen a missing Poster. I walked over to it to see who it was, it was Vance. When I read the name my heart skipped a beat, Robin Finney and Gwen walk over to me and immediately went quiet.

After a few minutes of silence Gwen spoke up. "I'm really sorry Y/n..." She said in a sympathetic tone. "N-no.. h-hes okay I know he is!". I said in with a worried yet non-accepting tone. Sure Vance could be a jerk sometimes but he was my friend and I still care about him. I have so many emotions running through my head. "He can't be missing not Vance, not him!". After that I started to form tears in my eyes, I've never felt comfortable crying in front of people but this time, I didn't care.

~time skip~

It's been a month since Vance went missing and I still miss him. I was walking home with Finney and Robin since it was Friday Gwen went to Suzie's. We were stopped at Robin's house and left to go to ours. I was more quiet than I normally was. "Hey y/n, you okay? " Finn said in a worried tone. "Yeah I'm all good what were you talking about before?". He understands why I've been quiet so he tries being patient with me.

~next day~

Me, Finney and Gwen were watching TV until our dad walked in and asked me and Finney a question. "Finney,...Y/n" he said in a somewhat hesitant tone. "Y-yeah?". I asked turning to face him. Me and Finney look concerned. "Do you know a kid named Robin Ar-Ar-.." he struggled. "Arellano?" Finney said concerned. "Yeah that's it" he said worried. "He's a friend from school, why?" I said worried, I hoped he was alright but unfortunately he wasn't.

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