1: Altiniyn al Ghul

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I am the grandson of Ra's al Ghul, and I am not who you think I am. You are probably thinking of my cousin, Damien Wayne. Now I know, Damien is the son of Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne. Talia is my aunt, we never really got along, we have been working on it recently. Now that just leaves my mother. If you know your facts, it would leave one person that could possibly be my mother, Nyssa al Ghul. She is my mother, now I know, she's gay. She may have been married to Oliver Queen briefly, but I never considered that man as my father. To clear up some confusion, I am adopted. I know, pretty cliché for a "hero" to be adopted. I mean look at Superman and Supergirl. Well you see my birth parents died when I was 3 months old, and Nyssa saved my life, and almost ended it too, before saving it again.

So, back story, my parents, from what I have been told, weren't the wealthiest people, but they did have a powerful connection, Ra's and the League of Assassins. Well Ra's found out about a hit on the three of our heads, and sent Nyssa and some other assassins to protect us. They just got to us too late. My parents had already died, and I was next. Nyssa killed the gunman aiming a gun at me in my crib, and brought me to Nanda Parbat. So she saved my life.

How she nearly ended it. One night after we arrived at Nanda Parbat. Nyssa put me down in a room, but forgot to shut the door. And somehow, on that night, a Tibetan Pit Viper snake came into my room, for some reason I am not aware of. It came to me and bit me. I cried as Nyssa came back to see the snake and the two puncture marks on me. She was able to get me out and lock the snake in there, knowing what would happen to me later on. She ran me into Ra's chamber, with the Lazarus Pit, and put in its waters. The pit began to heal me, but something weird happened, I am not quite sure as to what happened or how it happened, but it happened. The venom, the waters, and my blood began to mix and it changed me.

The snake was caged up, so I could kill it and end my blood lust. Yeah, a blood lust at 3 months, not entirely good, well not good at all. But since Nyssa saved my life twice, and almost ended it, she decided to adopt me. Ra's rarely considered me his grandson, I mean the only reason why he ever did was do to what changed within me. It took us years to figure out what happened, but what happened made Ra's like me, a little bit. You see, with the venom, waters from the pit, and my blood mixed together, I was enhanced. I got a little bit of strength, I heal a little faster than normal humans, I still scar, but I heal fast. But the fun stuff would be no known poison or venom can hurt me. I am completely immune to tranquillizers, chloroform, poisons of any kind. Basically my immune system is on point. But that is not all, my vision can change to about anything I want to. The only downsides would be I have to chose one set of visions at a time and when I change my vision to something other than my normal vision, my eyes glow green. I can also make them glow green whenever I want, usually involving anger. With all these things, my grandfather decided he wanted to make me the perfect assassin. From the moment we found out about my powers, Ra's trained me harder than anyone, even harder than his own daughter. Ra's forged me into the ultimate weapon.

I wear traditional League armor, I carry a bow and quiver, I have a nice dagger and a Filipino Straight Kris sword. After the League was disbanded, I continued some personal League work, took out some bad guys, destroyed mobs, massacred traffickings, etc. After some time, I wanted to try to have a normal life. Outside of the hood, I always wore long sleeve shirts and pants, my body is covered in scars, a lot like a few certain vigilantes. And on my upper right chest, there is a branding of an arrow head, showing I am a member of the League, well, was a member.

So yeah, other than that, this is basically my story, so far.

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