9: Gathering Information

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"You're not Oliver Queen. Oliver is dead." I say as I put on my arm bracers.

The archer then releases the arrow, and out of reflex, I caught the arrow before it could hit Lucifer in the eye. I knew it wouldn't do any harm. I quickly flipped the arrow around, brought out my bow and fired the arrow back. The archer knocked it out of the way.

The archer came running at us, I quickly activated my sword and unsheathed it. Something I noticed was the archer had a sword on his side.

Oliver never brought a sword, he always just used a bow.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The archer didn't say anything, he just unsheathed his sword and clashed it upon mine. We continue to fight, until I kick him towards Lucifer. Lucifer picks the archer up by the throat and threw him on the ground. I sheath my sword and brought an arrow out and shot the archer in the leg. He screamed out in pain. I jumped over him and grabbed him by the head and ripped his hood off and pulled his mask off next. I looked upon his face, the best that I could from behind him. This man was bald and had a small beard. But one thing was for sure, he was not Oliver Queen.

"Who are you?" I asked

"You can get nothing from me Altiniyn al Ghul. You traitor." the archer said.

"I just asked your name, nothing else."

"I am Al-Sayaad."

"The hunter." I said.

"I was told about you, Altiniyn. I heard you were the best of us, but you sided with the heir. You betrayed the League."

"Why did you try to kill Lucifer?" I said while putting pressure on the arrow I shot at him. He still wouldn't talk.

"Lee, allow me." Lucifer said.

I looked up at him in confusion. Lucifer knelt down, getting close to Al-Sayaad. I changed my grip so I had an arm around his throat and my other around the top of his head, forcing him to face Lucifer.

"Now tell me Al-Sayaad, what did you desire?

Al-Sayaad went into the same trance as everyone else.

"I- I- I wanted to kill this poser. Ra's al Ghul demands his death!" he answered.

"What? How is Lucifer a poser?" I asked.

"Really? He calls himself Lucifer Morningstar!"

"Ah, so you believe that Lucifer is lying about being the Devil?"

"Of course he is lying! He may claim to never lie, but to be the Devil!"

"I would believe him. I have met the goddess Artemis and the god Khonshu. The Devil is another Tuesday for me." I said.

"You actually believe he's the Devil? You are even more foolish than I thought!"

"Well, I know how to change your mind." Lucifer said

"And how is that?"

Suddenly, Lucifer's face begins to burn, revealing a very familiar red face. I could hear Al-Sayaad's breath quicken.

"He really is the Devil!"

"Yep, and it is kind of poetic that the very last thing you see on earth is the Devil himself." I say before snapping his neck.

"You know, this man looks familiar." Lucifer said.

"Is that really what you are thinking of right now? He says Ra's al Ghul, my supposedly dead grandfather, wants you dead, and the only thing that you can think of is that his face is familiar?" I asked in disbelief.

The Grandson of Ra's al Ghul: Arrowverse fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now