17: Wake up!

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TW: Gore.

"Wake up!" came a familiar voice.

My eyes bolted open. Standing above me was my mother, covered in blood. I quickly got up and drew my sword.

"Mother? What are you doing here? What happened?" I asked in a worry.

"We must leave, now!" She answered.

She seemed very scared, and there are not a lot of things that scare her. So I started to worry even more.

"Mother, what happened? Why are you covered in blood?"

"There is no time for that. We must go, my son."

Nyssa turned and headed out my room. I followed behind her, and what I found on the other side was horrifying. Corpses, blood. My friends everywhere in the main room, all dead. Tyler was hanging on a wall, with his sword in his chest, embedded into the wall. I saw Sam with several slash marks around his body and an arrow in his eye. Stephanie was on the couch, missing an arm. There was a splotch of blood on her chest that I could recognize from being stabbed. Chloe was sitting by her door, with several arrows in her chest, one going through the totem somehow. Wally was on the ground, face down. One of his feet was cut off, and he had a slash mark around his neck. Talia's body was on the ground too, but she was missing her head. I couldn't see the head.

"What the fuck?" I said as my heart broke.

"I am sorry my son, but there was nothing I could do."

"Why didn't you wake me! I could have helped!" I said as tears started to trickle down my face.

"There was no time."

No time? What? That doesn't make sense.

"Mother! I could have helped! My friends may have lived if you had simply woken me!" I yelled in despair and fury.

I can't believe you mother. You let my friends die just to protect me?

"My son, you have to believe me, there was nothing I could have done."

I couldn't believe what my mother was telling me. That she let my friends die.

"Mother! They were my friends! I started to mend the bridge between Chloe and I! She found out I had been lying to her. I just started to fix things between us. Stephanie, she just came out to us. She was just about to start a new chapter in her life. Sam, he has been the only one who is more intrigued with my secret than anyone else. We really started to connect. Wally, he was making friends with us. Tyler, we were just starting to bury the hatchet. And Talia, your own sister, we were reconciling. Just like you wanted! And now I have to tell Damien that not only is his father still missing, but he just lost his mother too." I cried out.

"I know Lee, and I am truly sorry. But you have to believe me when I say that there was nothing I could do." Nyssa said while placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Who even did this? Who could have killed the daughter of Ra's al Ghul, a speedster, a Mirakuru soldier, and a woman with a magic totem? How did they even break the damn thing?"

"I don't know my son, but whoever they are, they are very skilled."

"Whoever they are, I am going to kill them."

"First we must leave. Immediately."

"I need to grab my stuff first." I said as I turned back to my room.

"We don't have ti-" my mother began to say before she was cut off.

"Mother?" I turned around and saw a sword coming out of her chest. "MOTHER!"

The Grandson of Ra's al Ghul: Arrowverse fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now