2: Meeting An Old Friend

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It was a late afternoon, in the middle of winter. I was sitting in CC Jitters with a Flash coffee in front of me. I was waiting on an old friend I haven't seen in a while. I was wearing a black shirt with jeans on. I had my jacket resting on the chair I was sitting on.

I heard the door open behind me, and I knew who had walked in. I turned around and smiled when I saw a very pregnant Sara Lance. When she saw me, she smiled as well. I got out of my seat and ran over to hug her. After the hug we sat down at our table.

"It is so good to see you again Sara!" I said.

"It's good to see you too Altiniyn."

"Actually, I go by Lee now."

"Really, Lee? I like it, it suits you." Sara said with a smile.

"Yeah, and I chose a new last name."

"Really, what?"

"I am now Lee Raatko."

"After Nyssa's mother."

"Yep, I wanted a name that was not after Ra's, so Raatko." I said with a smile.

"How is she by the way?" Sara asked

"Good, she is traveling the world. She has been trying to rebuild her relationship with aunt Talia. How about you? How is the whole time travel thing going? How's Ava?"

"I'm- I'm good, being pregnant is, fun. We just fixed another problem on the Waverider, long story. Ava is good, she is really ready and worried about being a mom."

"Well, good. I have met Ava only a few times, but I can tell she is going to be a great mom, and so will you. So do you have a name for the kid yet?"

"We have gone through a few names for her, but nothing is set in stone yet."

I laugh. It was really good to see Sara again. A long time ago, I thought I would have been calling her mother as well, but things happened. She may be married to Ava Sharpe now, and I love Ava, don't get wrong, she is great. But I will always be biased towards my mother.

"So I have heard of a new archer. Are you planning to be the next Green Arrow?" Sara asked

"No, definitely not Green Arrow. Oliver was great, and I know it was not his fault, but I am still not happy that he married my mother. I know it was annulled, but still. Besides, there already is another Green Arrow, well sort of. That daughter of his, what's her name, Moira?"

"Mia, how did you know she was his daughter?"

"First of all, you are a time traveler. Second, she only appeared around Oliver's funeral, save William, aka her brother, and then she was never seen again."

"Huh, I sometimes forget how smart you are."

"Ra's trained me very well, a little too well if you ask me. Besides, I was thinking of becoming the next Dark Archer. I mean that is what they are already calling me, since I am sticking with my League armor." I said quietly so no one, but Sara, could hear.

"Why Merlyn?" Sara asked, a little concerned

"Calm down, I am not going to make an earthquake machine like he did. I will be more like the Queen than anything."

By this time, I had already finished my coffee. Unfortunately, due to my regen and immune system, the caffeine doesn't affect me, but I do like the taste. As I finish, a thought comes to mind, and I remember one of the reasons I was meeting Sara here.

"Hey, did you bring that thing I asked for?" I asked

"Oh, yeah. Right here." Sara said as she brought out a belt with two squares on the front and a cylinder on its side. "Nanotech, courtesy of Ray Palmer."

"Thank you Sara, and remind me to thank Palmer."

We continued to talk for a while, until it got dark.

"Well, I should be getting back to the Waverider, hopefully they haven't destroyed it by now."

"Knowing your team, I doubt it. Well Ava is with them, so 50/50." I laugh.

Sara and I get up and hug one more time. She leaves and I hear a time portal open. I pay for the coffee and get my jacket and gloves on. I put on the new belt as I leave.

When I went outside, I walked down the street for a little bit. After a while, I could feel some people following me. I trained with the League of Assassins, very few people can sneak up on me, and these idiots definitely are not that few. I turned into an alley, and in front of me were two men with large knives out. I turned around and saw two more men with similar knives. I sighed as they walked to me.

"Give us your money and everything you got." One of them said.

"No, I think I am good. And I suggest that the four of you walk away, unless you want to end up in a morgue." I warn.

"Ha, you think you can take us on? There are four of us, and one of you!" another says.

"Yeah, and we have knives, and I don't see anything on you!" another says.

"Yeah, well, I don't need a weapon to kill you, and four against one, hardly seems fair, you need more guys."

They walked closer towards me, and I sighed, knowing exactly how this was going to end.

"Now, money, give it to us!" One of them shouts.

"Let's just get this over with." I sighed "in other words, I am not giving you my money idiots. You are just going to have to take it off my corpse."

"With pleasure."

One of them runs towards me, with his knife in front of him, aiming towards me. I easily side stepped him and quickly disarmed him and as he fell down, I threw his knife into his head. He was dead as soon as he hit the ground. Two other guys charged at me, I disarmed one and slit his throat with his knife. The third guy, I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him in a position where he is looking up at the sky, and his legs are out in front of me. The fourth and final guy looks at his dead friends around me in horror. I simply glare at him. I then thrust my arms up, and I could feel the third guy's neck break, his body went limp, and I dropped him.

The fourth guy turns and runs. I grab the little cylinder thing on my side, I split it in half, and whip the two halves outward. They extended out into two flat baton-like things. I placed them on both of my forearms. They then extended around my arms, turning into some sort of arm bracers. I flicked my right hand outward, and the bracer seemed to unfold a little bit and a bow appeared into my hand. I flicked my left hand outward and an arrow appeared in my hand. I notched the arrow, aimed, and fired. The arrow went flying into the fourth guy's back. He fell over and some people saw this. But before they could turn and look at me, I turned around and pulled my hood up, and ran.

I quickly flicked my right wrist inward and the bow disappeared back onto the bracer. I then quickly climbed up a building and disappeared from sight.

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