I decided to make a Wilhemina Venable one-shot book. I just love this character so much and I just had to write about her too! I am writing smut and fluff.
Don't be shy and request what ever you like! I'm open to anything!
~Request Open~
Background: You have noticed how Mina has been a little distant from you and your wondering why. She's been avoiding you and your starting to doubt your relationship with her. Is she getting tired of you?
⚠️TW⚠️: Anxious!Reader
Y/n = your name Italics = your thoughts
💖Reader Pov💖
I've been pacing around me and Mina's room for thirty minutes, thinking about Mina. She gets home in ten and I'm worried of what's going to happen. She's been very distant for the past few weeks. She's been avoiding me and hiding thing like her phone when I walk in. I think she's cheating on me, but I need to confront her. Mina is my whole world and if she left I would fall apart.
I stop pacing as soon as I here a car door shut out side. I peek out of our room window and see Mina just standing at the car. It seems like she's on her phone. I quickly pulled away from the window feeling my anxiety build. I started to bite my nails as I heard her cane getting closer to the front door. I haven't bitten my nails in a while because Mina got me out of the habit, but I'm to anxious to stop myself.
I started walking down stares after I heard her going into the kitchen. I came down and peeked my head around the corner. She was standing at the counter and she looked me dead in the eyes. My breaths became heavy as though my curiosity and suspicions started to crush my chest. "Little one? What are you doing?" She started walking towards me and I stepped out into the door frame. She came up and hugged. "Little one whats wrong? You look stressed." She caressed my hair gently and thats when I feel apart. I held onto her and I started sobbing. I pulled away to look at her.
"A-Are you getting tired of me?" Her eyes widened. Cupped my face gently with her free hand as her other was tightly clutching her cane.
"No! Never. What made you think that?"
"You've been distant. You've been avoiding me for the past week a-and your always hiding your phone-" She cut me off with the sweetest kiss she's ever given me. She wiped my tears and pulled me close.
"I'm sorry for making you feel as if you weren't my everything, but I have been keeping a secret." I sniffled as I looked her in the eyes. "I... I was planning on proposing to you." My eyes widened and I was speechless. "I was trying to do my best to keep it a secret Little one but, I see how it has effected you. I didn't mean to become distant or make you feel unloved."
"Mina I... I'm sorry. God I feel like an idiot now." Mina pulled me in tightly. She let go of her cane and I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist. "Yes."
"What Little one?"
"If your wondering what my answer is, it's yes." Mina smiled so bright it could have lit up our whole house. She reached into her pocket and pulled the ring out. It was beautiful. (The Ring)
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"It's Sapphire, so it will always remind you of me." She put it on me and I started crying again. This time it was happy tears.
"Well I guess I'm Mrs. Y/n Venable."
"Yes Little one, you are."
Word count: 577
💜A/N💜 I hope you enjoyed. I honestly didn't think I was going to make this but I did. What do you think? I'm wrote this when I was supposed to be going to sleep but oh well🥲. Have a nice day or night. 💜XOXO The Author💜