10. Outpost 3

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Background: You arrive to outpost 3 later than expected. When you get up the next morning you're shocked to see your girlfriend is the leader of this outpost and she's shocked to see you.

Word Count: 853

Trigger Warning(s): none just fluff
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💖Reader Pov💖

Beep. Beep. Beep.
I slapped my alarm clock as I rolled over. What a fucking night. Please tell me it was a dream. As I sat up it was pitch black. The only light source was coming from beneath my bedroom door, and my alarm clock. Although this was my room, it felt different. That's when my hope faded. The world really did end. Slowly getting up to light a candle I tried to convince myself that I was okay, when in fact I was not. Everyone and everything I knew was gone. I was alone.

Walking with a candle in hand I reached my wardrobe, containing only purple clothing. To clarify I had just arrived to outpost 3, my living nightmare. I was told my D.N.A was perfect and that I was one of the fortunate few who were lucky enough to have this. So much for luck when I'd rather be dead. I got dressed in semi fancy clothes. I never was much of a person who cared about looks and I'm not going to start now when it doesn't matter.

(Your Dress)

After getting dressed I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail just to look more presentable

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After getting dressed I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail just to look more presentable. Checking the clock I realized breakfast was in less than five minutes. Shit. Of course one of the many rules I was told when I arrived was to not be late and I'm about to break it on my first day. Last night I only met two people. A very tall woman and a short one named Ms Mead. She said she wasn't the head of the outpost, but she was like second in command. A Of course the leader was asleep since it was like what, 12:00 AM?

Anyways Ms Mead was bitchy to say the least and said if I was to ever break a rule I'd be punished. For some reason she kept the leader anonymous saying that "the head of the outpost would want to greet you herself." So all I know is the leader is a woman, and a tough one. Although I've been saved I couldn't help but think of my girlfriend Wilhemina. The purple wardrobe didn't help either. Purple was her favorite color. I was going to miss her more than anything. As I slowly walked down the corridor to breakfast I realized I was in fact late. There was no changing it and frankly I didn't care. All I wanted was to see my girlfriend right now which would never come.

If I ever did get to see my girlfriend again I'd probably freak. Even though I tried to get her out of my mind there's still a little hint of hope that I brews in the back of my mind. As I finally meet the dinning table I'm met with curious eyes and a pissed Ms Mead.
"Ms Y/l/n I thought I told you that being late to breakfast was a punishable offense. Ms Venable, what should we do with her?" Ms Venable?! My eyes instantly snap to where I see my girlfriend sitting at the head of the table, her eyes gazing into mine. No, it can't be.

"Ms Mead no need to be so harsh, she did arrive in the night. I'll let her pass just this once. Welcome to outpost three. I'm Wilhemina Venable, you may only address me as Ms Venable. Have a seat Ms Y/l/n." I was completely shocked. My first day in hell and people are already rising from the dead, great. I quickly go to sit down, brushing past Ms Mead. The only empty seat that I was assigned to was next to Ms Venable, or my girlfriend in which I can't even tell what our status is anymore.

I sit down quietly as the curious minds stop looking at me and start talking amongst themselves. I sit there silently as I gather my thoughts, staring at the gelatinous cube in front of me. I felt a particularly familiar gaze as I sat there looking at the cube. I try not to look at the ghost from the past, but I know she's looking at me and there's no denying that she definitely knows who I am. I slowly raise my head looking to my left to see her eyes meet mine. "Ms Venable, you seem familiar to me." Real smooth Y/n. I internally curse myself as I didn't even think to say 'hello, how was your day.'

"Well Ms Y/l/n, I seem to remember you as well." Venable takes a quick glance around the room making sure no one is listening or looking our way. "Y/n, I've missed you so much." A small smile appears on her face as I feel her hand find mine underneath the table.

"I missed you too Mina."

I'm so sorry yall! I haven't posted in what like,
six months?! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting. This little one shot is just me getting back into writing about Mina. Request are always open and I know this literally sucks, but someone please make a request so I can start writing again!!!
Love yall💜💜💜

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