12. Hello Ms Venable P.2

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Word Count: 2687

Trigger Warnings: Mainly flirting, maybe a couple cuss words
Y/N Pov

After Ms. Venable left the cafe I was stunned. All the things she did in such a short amount of time already had my head spinning and my heart pounding. What I thought was just an innocent little crush has developed into more. I'm conflicted though, what exactly are her intentions and how is she not afraid of getting caught? My mind was going a hundred miles per hour as I gathered my things and headed to my next classes. Ms. Venable occupied my mind all day, making getting work done a living hell. As the last lecture of the day cane to an end and the bell rung signaling everyone to either get to their dorms or go home, I slowly packed up. My math professor Mrs. Vassar usually stayed late anyways so she didn't quite care when I took my sweet time grabbing my things. As I slowly grabbed my laptop I thought about what Ms. Venable said in the cafe, how she looked forward to seeing me tomorrow. Why not see her this evening? I'm sure she'll just be grading in her lecture hall anyways. I realized I was just losing daylight by just sitting here so I threw my pencils into my bag as I left to go change back at my dorm. For some reason I felt like I should look my best for her, maybe wear something purple. All I want to do is catch her attention and now that I have it I'm not letting it go.

I quickly walked over to the English lecture hall, peering in to see her bag still there, but no Ms Venable. I might not have enough time. The sun started setting in the distance, the sky becoming a beautiful array of yellow, pink, and orange. As I looked back I was met with Ms Venable walking to the door with her bag in hand, looking at me with curiosity. "Ms Y/l/n, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home or in your dorm?" Ms Venable slowly came to a halt, standing directly in front of me standing with her cane right beside her.

"Well I just had to stop by on my way to my dorm. Besides you seemed like you wanted to see me again. Unless this is a bad time?" Ms Venable quickly glanced up at the clock near the door before looking back at me. Her eyes looking me up and down.

"I suppose I have time to 'chit chat' with you, but I need to get dinner. I wouldn't be bothered if you wanted to join me." Ms Venable locked eyes with me waiting for an answer. I couldn't even choke out a sentence, my little bit of confidence gone due to this woman's gaze. I quickly broke eye contact focusing on her lips. Silence fell upon us as I kept switching between her eyes and her lips. Ms Venable obviously knew and didn't say anything. Then I felt her hand again grab my chin forcing me closer to her, my eyes locking to hers. "I need an answer now, I don't have all day." I gulped as a light tint of pink flushed my cheeks making Ms Venable smirk.

"Yes, I want to join you for dinner. I-Is this a date? Not that I mind that! I just want to know where this is going." Ms Venable leaned in close to my ear, letting go of my chin and letting her hand slide down my body giving me chills.

"What do you think it is, Y/n?" My eyes widened and my breath hitched as a low chuckle released itself from her throat as she pulled away. Oh my god, I'm going on a date with my professor. My knees became weak as gravity felt like my feeling for this woman. I watched as she passed me walking to her car, looking back at me expectantly. I walked over to her catching up as she walked down the railing to the parking lot. I followed behind her as we came to a halt at her car. She threw her bag in the back turning to me. "If you're coming get in the car quickly. I don't have all the time in the world for you." I obeyed and got in in the passenger side, buckling up as she sat inside carefully. I watched as she slightly hissed in pain as she sat up right, setting her cane in the little pocket between the door and the seat.

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