13. Just Friends?

555 20 0

Word Count: 1914

Trigger Warnings: none, just fluff
Y/n Pov

It was early in the morning as I crept out of bed. I always wake up just before my alarm to start the day somewhat energized. As I fully sit up in bed I smack my alarm just as it went off. Today is nothing new. I do the same thing everyday before work. I get up, shower, get dressed in appropriate work, then throw everything in the car. Not the best routine, but I'm fairly new to this job. I just started as the secretary for the HR department. It's pretty weird seeing as this promotion was sudden and I literally was an engineer before this so not exactly the promotion I wanted. Today is my first day working in the new office so I'm slightly excited about this, but also a bit scared.

My mind runs rampant as I throw everything in the car and speed off to work. It's about 5:48 AM and I need to be at work by 6:10. I usually get there early as I have nothing else better to do. While the short drive came to an end all I could think about was my new supervisor. She's mean from what I've heard and I'm not exactly the best in stressful situations. I have bad anxiety so stress isn't really my forte. As I grab my bag and head in through the front office, it's empty as usual. The only person there being the front desk clerk who signs everyone in. I greet him as I sign in before heading to the elevator.

As I walk slowly checking my phone I hear a second set of heels clicking behind me with another unfamiliar click. I snap my head around as my curiosity gets the best of me and that's when I see her. She's so beautiful. My eyes scan the unfamiliar face just for a moment, but as she makes eye contact with me I quickly look forward pressing the button to go up. As I step back waiting for the elevator the mysterious woman stops next to me. I glance over at her to see her eyes already looking at mine and I smile softly trying to be polite. She doesn't say or do anything as our eyes are locked on each other. Her face is almost like a sculpture. So perfect, yet only has on expression.

As I study her face further the elevator door opens and she breaks eyes contact to step inside. I snap out of my trance as I quickly step inside as well. She clicks the button to go to the top floor which is convenient since I'm also heading up there. Weird. I stand in silence as I wait for the elevator to stop on our floor. As the doors open the woman walks quickly and effortlessly out of the elevator. As she walks past I finally glance at the object in her hand making note she uses a cane.

That's when it hits me. I've been checking out my supervisor for the past 6 minutes we've been near each other. I mentally curse myself for even looking at her the way I did as I step out of the elevator. As I do so I see a small office ahead and enter. I see it's blank walls and smile as I found my office. Setting my things down I take in it's small cozy comfort before hearing a knock on my door. I don't speak as I open the door slowly coming face to face with the tall woman from before. I swallow hard as I look at her in silence.

"So are you going to speak or are you too dumb?" Her words are like poison as she speaks to me. I frown slightly at her remark and clear my throat.

"I'm sorry, how may I help you miss?" I stretch out the miss as to alert her I don't formally know her name.

"Ms Venable."

"Well Ms Venable, I'm sorry for my silence. I'm not a very talkative person. If you don't mind me asking, did you need something when you knocked on my door?" My voice is polite and soft as I maintain a professional look throughout the little encounter, even though I feel like closing the door in her face and sitting in my comfortable silence forever.

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