8. Thanksgiving

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Background: You and Wilhemina are going to your parents house for Thanksgiving. This is also the first time Wilhemina gets to meet your parents and she is very nervous.

I usually don't do authors notes at the top of my one shots but I have to give credit to the wonderful person who gave me this wonderful idea. Thank you ✨CadeeBowen

Trigger Warning: Idk

💖Reader Pov💖

It's finally Thanksgiving! I woke up extra early since today I'm going to my parents house with my lovely girlfriend Wilhemina. I got dressed as usual and did my hair. I went downstairs quickly since me and Wilhemina have to make the turkey.

(Your outfit)

(Your outfit)

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(Your hair)

As I was preparing the bird I heard the sound of Wilhemina's cane

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As I was preparing the bird I heard the sound of Wilhemina's cane. She came up right behind me gave me a hug. "Good morning little one. What are you doing up so early?" I smiled turned around and gave her a kiss.

"We have Thanksgiving with my parents tonight, remember? I have to cook the turkey." I saw her smile fade after I said parents. "Honey don't worry. They're gonna love you." I gave her a reassuring look but she just kissed my fore head and walked off back to our room. I went back to preparing the turkey. I hope she's okay.

💜Wilhemina Pov💜

I walked back upstairs to our room. Parents? I can't meet her parents. What will they think? My brain was already filled with all the possible outcomes if I were to meet her but now I can't get them to go away. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm ugly because of my scoliosis? I sighed in frustration. I can't focus on anything. Then I heard a knock. "Little one please, I need to be alone."

"Honey let me in, we can talk about this." I thought for a moment but I didn't want to talk. I don't want Y/n seeing me vulnerable.

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