19. One Drink Won't Hurt Me... Right?

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Word Count: 1981

Trigger Warnings: Consuming Alcohol, Brief Mentions of Alcohol Absue, Brief Mentions of a Car Accident, and Cussing
Y/N Pov

"Stupid office parties. I would be so much happier at home." I laughed as my friends Lidia complained about the office parties we had to attend. We didn't really have a choice since our CEOs want us to be social. What a load of crap. I lose a night of sleep and don't get a day off the next day? Rude. Walking into the venue for this party I'm immediately hit by the smell of perfumes everywhere. The overwhelming smell makes me gag for a second.

"Woah, not what I expected." I see random strangers everywhere. You think since they work at Kineros I should know them? Shit, there's so many people who work at Kineros I know for a fact if we didn't have this huge venue we all wouldn't fit. Me and Lidia navigate the crowd looking for a more secluded area. There are tables and booths occupied everywhere we go. Eventually I snatch one of the open booths as the man who sat runs to go puke. I take a seat as Lidia grabs some cash out of her purse.

"I know you don't drink, but just this once just take some shots with me? One drink won't kill you. Besides I'm driving you home, you're in good hands." I look at Lidia skeptically as she rummages deeper into her purse for more cash.

"Lidia I'm not drinking. Thank you, but I can't and you know that." Lidia's smile fades once her eyes meet mine. She looks at me sympathetically before setting her purse down while she takes a seat.

"Y/n you're not like your mother. I know that one incident was a pretty bad one, but look at the bright side. You are working in a slight position of power, you're making moves on the girl of your dreams, and you just bought a beautiful house. I think that deserves a victory drink." I roll my eyes as I look Lidia in the eyes.

"One, I almost killed both of us in a car accident while drunk. Two, being friendly with Ms Venable isn't exactly flirting. Three, that house was inherited from my mother so no, I don't deserve a victory drink. Besides, this party sucks. Ms Venable doesn't even come to these so my chances with her are slim to none." Lidia groaned as she stood up, throwing her purse over her shoulder.

"You are such a downer. Why don't you go explore or something, maybe you'll find Ms Venable or something. I don't know what else to say other than stop being an asshole." Before I could even get a word in, Lidia walked off into the crowed of people, pushing to get to the bar. I rolled my eyes as I stood up looking around to see if I saw the fiery redhead that occupies my mind. Lidia knows I like Ms Venable and pushes for me to flirt with her, but I look at everything with a critical eye. I've been friendly with her for months now and I think we're friends, but I don't want to ruin that by telling her how I feel. While my eyes scanned the room started walking around. It doesn't do me any good if I just stand still.

Walking along the edge of the big crowed I start heading to the bar. Rather than focusing on the alcohol I'm trying to think with a clear mind hoping Ms Venable is sitting at the bar. As I inch closer I see her red hair and immediately take the free seat next ti her. I take a deep breath as I glance over at her, shocked she's already looking at me. A smile smile graces my features. My eyes dart down as a nervous chuckle leaves my mouth. I turn in my seat to face her, eyes still glued to the ground. "Hello Ms Venable."

"Y/n. You look good." I look up to see that she's sipping a margarita as she looks me up and down. I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as I try to play it off as only a compliment.

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