The Wolf, Fox and the Witch

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Rosa's POV

All I felt was cold and all I could see was darkness. This went on for so long until I saw a light and all I could do was run but when I got to the I saw that I was not alone I saw a fox, a wolf and a man. I recognised the wolf straight away

"Kathryn is that you?" I asked


"Yes Rosa it is me" she nodded


"Where are we and who are they?" I pointed to the fox and the man


"You are within your subconscious and we are your kitsuna and witch however we are unable to tell you our names as of yet." The man said

"And why am I in my subconscious again?" I asked

"You are here as you have been poisoned and the only thing that is keeping you alive is our mate" Kathryn said and just so you know this is the most creepiest thing I have seen, if I even told anyone I was talking to a wolf, a fox and witch in my subconscious I would be the one in Eichen House.

"You said that before Mate? What is that?" I asked


"Liam is our mate. He is our other half and we are his other half. We were made for each other. Given by the moon goddess to make us stronger. Every wolf has on but not everyone get to keep theirs so we have to fight this poison, Liam's wolf is guiding everyone on the outside but we need to help and we don't have much time" The fox said

"Okay then let's get started, what do I have to do?" After say this I found myself surrounded by all three of them


"We will each give you our strength but you must trust in your power you are our centre so you must believe for this to work okay?" I just nodded at him


"I shall start first as I am know by her"  Kathryn said she came up to me and bite me making me scream in pain but slowly the pain faded and I started to feel stronger.

"I shall go next" the man said. He put one hand to my forehead and the other to my heart and again I screamed in pain but I felt even stronger once the pain had faded

"That leaves me left" the fox wrapped each of her tail around me and then I started to burn but the pain subsided and I felt so strong that it was unbelievable


"Now it is up to you to awaken?" with that said everything went black and cold again



Liam's POV

"She is not doing it. There as to be another way, she might die" Scott yelled

"It is not up to you Scott, it is mine and I will do it for Rosa" Kira said

The White Wolf : Liam Dunbar / Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now