The benefactor part 1

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Rosa's POV

When I woke up I found that I was not in my own bed. I looked around and saw that I was in Scott's room. HowdidIgethere? AndwhyamIsleepinginScott's bed I thought to myself and thats when it all came back to. I had had an breakdown in front of Scott and Stiles. Whataretheygoingtosay? Idon'twantthemtotreatmeanydifferently. I worried Ican'tbetreatedasI'mbrokenagain, Ican'tbepitiedagainI sobbed quietly. That's when there was I knock at the door.

"Come in" I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes. Scott's head pop in through the ajar door

"Hey, how you feel?"he asked coming into the room

"Better thank you" I whispered trying not to look at him

"About last night..." I interrupted him

"Could you please not tell anyone about last night, my family can't find out they will worry about me and if they hear that I had another breakdown, they will homeschool me and I can't go though that again. Please I'm begging you don't tell anyone." I pleaded

"What happened to you Rosa?" Scott asked

"Please, Scott don't make me say* I whimpered. Scott pulled me into his arms.

"Rosa its OK don't worry. If you don't want to talk about it I wont make you. Its ok* I looked up at him and he smiled which made me smile

"Thank you, really Scott thank you for everything." I leant up and kissed him on the cheek which made him blush "Your the best brother anyone can have Love you Scott."

"I love you to Rosa" he smiled "Do you think you can go to school your sister is worried about you?" He asked I nodded

"OK well your sister dropped some stuff off for you last night" he pointed to the bag in the corner of the room "Oh and just so you know she's downstairs so I would get dressed and come down before she comes up" he smiled as he headed for the door

I went over to the bag that Scott pointed to and saw that inside was my plaid tights and my black singlet that said 'born to be bad' in white writing and a white skull. I got dressed then went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth before doing my makeup.

I put all the clothes I wore yesterday into the bag, grabbed my jacket and ran downstairs too be pulled into a smothering hug by my dearest sister

"Rosa are you ok? Scott said you felt sick after the attack last night and I got so worried. What did the doctor say? Do you have a concussion? Do you need to go to the doctor again?" She rubbled on making me laugh

"Kira, Kira slow down I'm ok I just felt a little dizzy that's all so calm down." I interrupted her before she could throw more questions out "really Kira I'm fine and should really be going or we'll be late for school" they both nodded and we headed out





"Yea so that's what happened last night" I told Kira about everything except my breakdown she laugh when she heard that Scott and Stiles tackled Liam down the stairs

"I still can't believe ompff" I walked into Scott's back "Why did you stop" I looked to see what he was staring at and it was Liam. I smack him over the head

"Ow what was that for?" Scott ask rubbing the back of his head

"I can't believe you just dereked him" I laughed

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