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Rosa's POV

You know that moment where you think that life couldn't get stranger and then it does well this is where I am at the moment. I am standing in front of the mirror but what is looking back at me is not my reflection.

"LIAM" I yell and a little while after in comes Liam, Kira, Scott, Stiles and Derek

"What's wrong? What happened?" Liam asked looking around for danger
"This better not be about a bug?" Stiles stated

"No its not. Look at me!" Gesturing to my face and hair

"We are" Scott said confused

"Why did no one tell me I have white hair and fire eyes?" I put my hands on my hips

"Oh that well we thought you knew" Kira said

"It kind of happened when you controlled the fire." Liam smirked

"Don't you smirk at me mister." I folded my arms "what your telling me is that I have been like this for the whole night and no one told me?"

"Pretty much" Kira said trying not to laugh

"This is not funny!" I stomped my foot "how am I meant to go to school like this, I looked like I could burst into flame an moment" when I looked up I saw there shocked faces "what now?"

I turned to the mirror again and saw I was on fire "You have got to be kidding, I was joking" I looked up to the sky

Its okay Rosa
I soft Japanese voice said


No I am your kitsuna


Yes this is what you will look like when you use my power

So I can control fire and produce it?


But Kira can't

That is because she has yet to control her kitsuna

So what do I call you

I am unable to tell you yet as you have not reach all of my power.

Can I call you kit for now?

I hear laughter in my head

Yeah that's OK

"Hey Rosa you okay you kind of spaced out there?" Liam asked concerned

"Oh I'm fine just talking to my Kitsuna" I smiled

"Wait you talk to your kitsuna as well?" Kira asked

"Yep but it kind of just happened now but I don't know her name yet cause I don't have all of her power yet, so I call her kit" I laughed at Stiles face

"Really that's the best name you could come up with. Why not a kickass name like flamexin or firox or leia?" Stiles said fling his arms around

"Leia?" Derek asked

"What she is kickass?" Stiles stated

"Who is she?" Derek asked confused

"You haven't seen it, what is wrong with you people?" He throw his hands up

"Well any who I still have a hair and eye problem?"

"You could say that you dyed it for a change and your wearing contacts" Scott said

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