The battle begins

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Scott's POV

I stood next to Chris "You not safe here Scott, they probably already know that you're here" he said quietly

"I know but where can we go they have been trying to get out but every time they try someone new has popped up to kill them"

"If their coming Scott, they are also coming for her" he looked at Rosa "she is still number one on the deadpool." He looked back at me

"I know the Lydia can get the answers from Meredith she just needs more time" I said looking back to Rosa who was laughing at something Kira and one of Satomi's Pack "We just need to protect her till then"

"Scott we don't have time and if it was a chose between saving Kira or Rosa we both know who you would pick, it is in your instincts to protect your mate" Chris said

"Lobo blanco needs no protection." We turned to see Satomi

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"There is a reason that we wolves have waited so long for her, she is our queen, our saviour. It is prophesised that when the lobo blanco shall arrive it will be in a time of great need. She will harness the power of three to save those faithful to her from the dread. She will bring forth the help of hell to shine a light on those infected. She will change the hearts of those that have been misled and protect them from traitors." Satomi looked at Rosa "This is why I will follow her till the end"

Rosa has so much relaying on her and she doesn't even know it.







Rosa's POV

I went around helping Chris secure the surroundings with sensors and then went back to meet Derek and Braeden.

"It will be okay" I hear Scott say

"They may have claws and fangs but they aren't fighters" Derek said as he walked away

"That's why I called you" Scott smiled

"I don't exactly have my claws and fangs" he stood next to Braeden

"That's why he called me" she said

"Am I the only one hoping this is all just a false alarm, I mean it's possibly we can wait here all night and nothing happens" just like Kira to be the voice of optimism

"Scott heard anything from stiles or Lydia yet?" I asked coming out of the shadows

"Holy shit, how long have you been there?" Scott asked "and how are you so quiet?"

"I have been here the whole time and just so you know you're talking about a group of people with super hearing. Now answer my question" I said

"Who the hell are you?" Braeden pointed the gun at me

"Put the gun down" I growled, I felt something come over me, I lost control of my body

"What are you?" she said slightly scared

"I said PUT. THE. GUN. DOWN" I growled again this time she looked like she was trying to take control of her arms but they weren't listening to her as they lowered

"How are you doing that?" she panicked

"I am the Lobo Blanco, you are nothing to me, and I could destroy you in a blink of an eye. Your bullets won't help you human" I felt powerful, like nothing could stop me but I didn't feel like myself

The White Wolf : Liam Dunbar / Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now