Blood mates

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Rosa's POV

I awoke to a growl but when I opened my eyes I saw no one but Kira sitting up.

"Kira are you Okay?" she turned to me and at that moment I knew where the growl came from. Her I eyes were no long the orangey gold colour of the kitsuna but a vivid green and her teeth had now elongated. I yelled for Scott and Liam, who ran into the room.

"What is wrong with her?" I asked my wolf

"She has become a hybrid and you are her alpha" she Replied

"How do I help her?"

"Growl Rosa, Growl"

I turned to Kira and growled "Calm down Kira Now" She looked at me and then looked down. Slowly her breathing slowed, her teeth went back to normal and her eyes went from green back to brown.

"What happened?" she asked looking around and when her eyes meet mine she gasped and her eyes teared up. She reached up and touched my cheek "Your okay" She jumped on me

"I'm okay now but I think we need to talk about why you're a hybrid?" Then I looked at Liam and smiled "hi" I said lamely

He smiled and said hi back. Liam however wasn't the one to answer my question though Derek and doc walked in "she's a hybrid because she did a blood transfusion with you to save you and your blood changed her." Derek answered

"But will she be alright" I asked looking over my sisters shoulder as she had still not let me go

"Yes dear she will be fine. We will just need to look after her and she will need to get use to you being her alpha" Deaton said

I laughed at this and looked at Kira "Did you ever think that me the younger sister would be you the older sister's alpha. Kind of ironic huh?" she laughed too

"yeah but you maybe be my alpha but I am still your older sister and I still get to boss you around no matter what you say it is my right" I laughed at her "but I'm just glad your okay Rosa" then she slapped me

"Ow what was that for?" I rubbed my arm

"That's for scaring me half to death" she glared "If you ever do that again ill kill you myself" I laughed and hugged her "Now that, that's out of the way, can someone tell me what smell so good?"

I frowned and sniffed then looked up to see Liam and Derek do the same then shake their head but when I looked at Scott I realised that this whole time he had not said anything and that he had his eyes closed "Scott are you okay?"

He opened his eyes showing that they were glowing red but what happened next made me wonder if I things really did happen for a reason.








Liam's POV

She is okay. That thought repeated over and over in my head, even after finding out Scott is mated to Kira and that she is a hybrid, all I could think about was that my mate was fine but not only that, for some reason I could feel the connection better than I ever could before.

"that is because like Kira you sharing the blood has made changes in your body not as drastic as Kira but you have become blood mates this is the second stage in the mating" my wolf said

"How many stages are there before we are fully mated and what are they" I asked aloud not worrying about being heard as after Scott had claimed Kira as his mate he had taken her away with him and doc had given Rosa food and made her go back to sleep before he and Derek had left.

"There are two more stages" it was not my wolf that answered though. I opened my eyes not knowing in had close them to see Rosa smiling at me

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up i was talking to my wolf" this made her look shocked

"you can talk to your wolf?" I nodded

"yeah it start when I woke up apparently its normal when you find your soulmate" I saw her nod "so do you know what the next stages are?"

"they the sharing of the bites then the um" she blushed "um the sharing of the um the body" this made me blush too and then I coughed

"well um we can wait till your um ready for the next stages" I coughed again

Rosa shooked her head "we might not have the time for that" she looked at me

"what do you mean I would never rush you into something you're not ready for" slightly offended that she would think that

"I know you would never do that" she held my hand "what I meant is that my wolf told me that I would be going into what she called a heat"

"whats that?" asking even though I think I already knew the answer

"it is where my body craves only one thing to the point of pain" she blushed

"what thing" needing to hear it

"I will need to complete the bond completely with you, I will need your body Liam. Only yours" she looked down and blushed hard

All I could think was how beautiful she was and next thing I know I had her chin in my hand and I was kissing her.










A/N: hey guys thanks to all of you that are reading my story and for those of you who are commenting, voting and following me. you are all awesome. i hope you all liked this chapter and i'm sorry its short, i'm finding it kind of hard to type as i broke my thumb but i want to give you guys something.



Luv ya

Luv life

The White Wolf : Liam Dunbar / Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now