The Benefactor

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Rosa's POV

We managed to get Liam to the boat House without him killing anyone.

"Get his arms, chain them hurry" Scott yelled before Liam broke free of his hold and attacked him. Maybe I spoke to soon

"Liam, Liam. Listen to me." I yelled "Calm down, you need to calm down." Just as he was starting to calm down Kira had to go and smack him in the head with an ore

"Kira really he was calming down" I throw my hands up

"Is he dead?" She asked

"I wouldn't be surprised. You hit him hard enough" I muttered at the sametime Scott said

"Nah you just knock him out"

Kira let out a sigh of relief and then glared at me. We managed to get him chained up. I sat next to him feeling tired because I didn't get a very good sleep last night as it was plagued with nightmares so I ended up drifting off to sleep.

I woke up to a growl. When I opened my eyes I saw I had fallen asleep with my head in Liam's lap and a wolfed out Liam looking down at me.

When I tried to get up Liam growl which made me smile even though I was scared shitless but the second growl alerted the to lovebirds.

"Rosa move away from him" Scott said

"Wait no" I yelled as he took a step forward but it was to late. Scott coming closer had triggered Liam's protective instincts. He broke the chains holding him and picked me up and next thing I know he had jumped through the window and we were breezing through the woods.

"Liam stop you need to put me down" I said this earnt me a growl

"Liam its ok stop." I tried again

"No protect" Liam growled. I placed my hand on his cheek and turned him to look at me

"No ones going to hurt me its ok. We can just sit down and you can look after me ok?" Liam slowed down "okay Liam just sit down" he stopped and carefully stuck me on the ground but he didn't let me go he sat behind me so he legs were on either side of me and my back was to his chest.

I know I should me scared but strangely I felt safe, protected. We sat there for a while just listening to the crickets until suddenly Liam went stiff.

"Liam what is it?" I asked and just as I did Liam jumped up and looked ready to attack but not me, Scott

"Liam calm down, Rosa move away from him." He said holding his hands up

"Scott you do understand..." But before I could continue Scott interrupted me

"No Rosa" he yelled making me flinch and Liam noticed this and attacked Scott

"No Liam stop" I yelled but it was overpowered by Liam roaring

"This is your fault, you did this to me" he growled. Out of nowhere a flash arrow hit the tree making Liam run off. When I looked to see who fired the arrow and there was Mr argent holding a crossbow

"How did you know?" Scott asked argent

"I got your texts" he smiled

"There's a clearing just up ahead. All you have to do is carrel him there" Chris said

What am I going to do?" Scott asked brokenly

"His you're beta just talk to him" Chris told him

"But what if he doesn't listen to me?" He whispered

"He will if you use your own words" this made me giggle thinking about what Stiles told me Scott did another Derek

Chris handed Scott a button and then Scott ran off

I went back to the lake house knowing Scott had everything under control and I ran into Mason and Dylan

"Hey girly where you been?" Dylan put his arm around me swaying a bit

"I just got here and how much have you drunk?" I asked trying to keep him up right

"This many" holding up 6 fingers "I think?" He started looking at his fingers as if trying to count them

"Where's Liam?" Mason asked

"Oh his with Scott. Who probably acting like a big brother and threatening him, that's why I'm trying to find my sister so she can go save Liam" I laughed at the wince Dylan and Mason gave "do you know where she is?" I asked and Mason pointed upstairs. I thanked him and ran up stairs

I found Kira and Lydia in a white room in front of a laptop on the screen was a list of names "what is that?" I asked

"Its a deadpool for the supernatural." Lydia answered I looked through the names but I stopped at one

"Then why is my name on it?* I whispered

The White Wolf : Liam Dunbar / Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now