Chapter 2: A Normal Day

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Finally, after 5 hours, your work is over for the day. Grateful it hadn't been as hectic as the previous day. All you did was re-shelf books and helped a weird old man find some historical novel series.

Each of which had been put on a waiting list for the man, after he had paid the right amount.

Getting your things together in the break room, you feel an odd buzzing— maybe you were still tired? Probably.

You wave goodbye to some of your coworkers and head to go pick up your little brother.


"So Rowboat! How's it going in Mrs. Rhodes class? I heard you got a new student today"

The two of you had just left the school building, now gliding your steps along the gravely roads— you making sure Rowan stayed on the side just in case anyone would try the both of you over with a carriage.

He nods with a bright smile, "Yeah! Her name is Erwin! Or Winny— but likes being called by their full name"

His tone shifts near the end of his sentence most likely mimicking how it was said from the original speaker.

"That's a great 'boat"

You stare off into the distance circling around your exhaustion and previous anxious thoughts. Before noticing the slight tug on your sleeve as Rowan stops the both of you to check both ways and cross the street.

"So, what are you feeling for dinner?" You give him a moment to think, having a keen idea already of what he'd ask for.

He looks up at you, eyes sparkling.

"Can we get crab and lobster?" You smile at him.

'Same thing as always.'

"Of course!"


After making a quick run to the mid-day market to grab the proper materials to make the desired dish (Rowan had to remind you, you were out of the seasoning you used on the lobster) you made dinner while Rowan— begrudgingly— finished up his homework.

Setting the table, you found yourself humming an unfamiliar melody. Rowan passed you a napkin, and you both began eating.

"Um, n/n can I ask you a question?" You bring your attention to Rowan's cautious tone, nodding due to the food in your mouth for him to continue.

"I found a letter yesterday— before school"

You hum, thinking it's most likely something related to the business that he wanted to know about.

"I couldn't read what it said, but was it from dad? It had his stamp thing" you find a sudden difficulty in swallowing down your food— near choking in an attempt to respond.

'Oh... crap. THAT letter.'

Taking a deep breath, you respond to Rowan's question, "Yes, it was— I'm guessing you're curious as to what it entails?"

Even though you're certain Rowan has no idea what "entails" means, he nods in hope you'll explain to him.

You hesitate, having to fight the urge to cut the conversation there and burn the letter... but knowing that wouldn't do anything but hurt Rowan's and your relationship.

"He... wants to know if you want to go back with him— after his visit in the next few months." Rowan's face changes, it's a difficult expression to describe— but you could only assume he was thinking over what you just said.


You sigh and lean back into your chair, hands clasping together before your plate of food.

"I'd like to say he misses you, but I honestly can't say I know for certain as to why." You feel a headache coming on, you hate talking about your father.

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