Chapter 5: Up In Flames

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I lay on my back, my eyes closed, my back slowly sinking into the soft snow. I can hear the wind whipping through the trees. The branches creak and groan like an old rocking chair. My gloves become soaked as I curl my stiff fingers into the fluffy snow. I pull my heavy, ice-encrusted eyes open. The grey, cloud-covered sky greets me. The snow falls, tiny little specs of ice floating down to land on my visor. The only warm part of my body is my mouth and nose as I breathe in and out, the hot air bouncing around in my oxygen mask. The sweat from my forehead causes my visor to fog over, but as I open my eyes more, I can see flashes of red light shooting through the air. Balls of fire swallow the clouds whole.

My frozen ears stop ringing, and I can hear the sound of machine guns and the roar of a jet engine. I pull my heavy and aching arm up to my mask and tear it off. The frigid air slams into my face, freezing me down to my teeth. The cold air comes into my lungs, causing them to tighten. The roar of the jet engines starts again. It becomes louder and louder until my ears ache, and the ringing rushes back. My heart plunges within my chest, my eyes widening as a jet comes hurling towards me, fire spewing from its engines.

My heart sinks within my chest, my eyes widening as a jet comes hurling towards me. I jolt to a sitting position, gasping as the life rushes back into me. The jet hurtles closer and closer. I unattached the parachute quicker than I ever thought possible and leap out of the way. The heat from the fire blows into my back, burning the hairs on the back of my neck. The ground shakes as the jet crash lands next to me. I twist around and stare at the burning jet. The blood drains from my body as my eyes set on the name written on the side.

Jacob "Dice" Bryant.

My heart sinks. My mouth drops as I gaze into the burning cockpit. I couldn't see a body, but with a fire that bad, I wouldn't have been able to, regardless. Bullets slam into the ground beside me. I cover my head and, without thinking, run in the opposite direction. I glance back, seeing a helicopter tailing me. I run as fast as I can through the thick snow. The bullets whizz past my ears. I can feel the heat from them as they shoot past my body. I run into the dense tree line. The bullets still follow me. Pieces of tree bark go flying as the bullets slam into them. I look back again to see if it's still following me, but it's not. I can't see it, but I can still hear it's engines roaring above. A jolt of pain rips up my body as I slam into someone. We both topple to the ground.

I grab my gun from my holster and point it at him. I freeze, my breath hitching. I'm staring into the eyes of one of the Japanese pilots. He's young. He must be the nineteen-year-old I trained with the other day. The trees whip back and forth as the helicopter hovers overhead. I grab onto the kid's arm and jump up, dragging him along with me as we run down the mountainside. The helicopter still hovers above us, firing occasionally but unable to get a clear shot because of the canopy of trees. I skid to a stop as the kid yanks on my arms.

I turn, seeing him point to a snow mound. He wiggles free from my grip. I hesitate. Why was he so focused on a stupid snow mound? If he wants to get shot, that's on him. I'm outta here. I take a step to run again, but before I do, he pushes his arm into the snow mound. The snow falls, revealing that it's actually a cave. I glance up one last time, seeing the helicopter a few feet away, still searching for us. I dart into the dark cave and collapse to my knees as I take in deep breaths. My lungs are burning, screaming for air. The ground shakes as the helicopter searches above. The Japanese pilot rushes to the mouth of the cave and starts scooping up snow to hide us. I run over and help, lifting up armfuls of snow until the mouth is covered. There's only a sliver at the top that brings in some light. I back away from the entrance and sink into the darkness, praying that the helicopter would give up its search.

Please, God. Please! Make it go away. Make them think we're dead. I know you may not like me, but please! Just let me get out of this alive.

I squeeze my eyes shut and pray nonstop until the helicopter's roar finally disappears.

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