Chapter 8: Crimson Glow

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Akio and I slowly make our way down the mountainside. His arm is wrapped around my shoulders as I help him walk. I'm not even sure if I'm going the right way. This whole place looks the friggin same. It's like somebody copied and pasted a bunch of white mountains and trees. Akio says I'm going the right way, though, and obviously, I have no choice but to trust him. I look up, seeing the sky turn a pale blue, the sun hanging just below the horizon. I can't decide whether to be relieved that the sun is coming up or terrified. We'll be easier to spot in the sunlight, but at least it may warm up slightly. I'm not exactly sure how much ground we've covered, either. Still, I know we've been moving pretty slowly and leaving a massive trail behind us.

"Hey, Binky," Akio starts. I glance over at him. His eyes are closed as he hops along beside me. I try not to show how tired I am as he opens his eyes to look at me. I've practically been carrying his whole weight for a couple of hours now. "If they find us again...I want you to leave me."

My face hardens.

"What happened to that positive guy I know?" I say.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"I am positive. Positive that I will slow you down and get us both killed."

I swallow hard, not really sure what to say to that. I mean, he's right. No point in arguing about that. He would slow me down, but I can't leave him. Not after everything we've been through. We're in this for the long haul now. Besides, the thought of me doing all of this alone is just downright terrifying. I shake my head.

"You're my wingman now, alright? And you never leave your wingman. Besides, you still have to get that necklace back to your girl."

He says nothing but cracks a small smile. "How's the leg feeling?"

"Terrible. How's the hand?"

I glance down at my still-burned, pulsating hand. "Terrible."

He chuckles.

"Can we stop for a few minutes?"

I stop walking and take a quick look at my surroundings. Nothing but endless, snowy nothingness. I think we've created a lot of separation from the Russians anyway. It wouldn't hurt. Besides, I might pass out from exhaustion if I don't take a break. I nod and help Akio walk over to the nearest tree. I gently set him down, and he leans against the trunk. I plop down in the snow, my sore muscles relaxing as I finally sit. I press my hand into the snow, wincing as the cold engulfs the burn. Eventually, my hand goes numb, and the pain subsides.

"Random question, but do you think we're the only ones who survived the fight?"

I clench my jaw, thinking about Matrix, Hurricane, Ghost...even Dice. There's no way Dice survived the explosion. I'm not sure if Hurricane and Ghost got shot down, and I have no idea where Matrix is. What if he's dead? My heart aches at the thought of that, at the thought of his family. His family was the only thing he talked about more than the Matrix movies. My chest tightens at the thought of his wife and two daughters hearing about the death of their beloved dad. My mind races with worries, images of grief-stricken faces flashing before my eyes. Eyes stinging with unshed tears, I push aside the overwhelming sense of sorrow and tighten my resolve. I spent Christmas with them last year. I never thought a family could be that happy until I met them. But now, as I trudge through the desolate forest, searching for any sign of rescue, those precious memories seem so far away.


It's not until then that I realized I'm staring off into space.

"I hope not," I finally answer him, "did any of your guys survive?"

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