Part 24

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It was around 3am when my husband and I received a call from an unknown number telling us to rush to Nelson Mandela hospital.

Me: please let it not be Liam

Him: I'm sure Liam is fine wherever he is. Let's go

Me: I'll tell Sina to keep an eye on Ty

Him: I'll meet you in the car

I went to my daughter's room in panic. I knocked til she finally opened

Her: Geez mom its 3am

Me: baby I need you to watch your brother for us we need to rush to the hospital

Her: is it Sandiso?

Me: they didn't tell us who they just told us to rush there

Her: I'll try calling him to make sure he is ok

I was now in tears. Just the thought of losing my oldest son kills me. I would die, I know I have Ty but it just would not be the same without Liam in my life. We rushed to the hospital and headed straight to reception, we asked who what we were called for and they told us my son was in an accident and it was bad. They showed us to a room he was situated in. He looked f*cked up really bad, he had machines and pipes helping him breathe. He was sleeping peacefully. I was scared to death. The doctor handling him came to us.

Him: Mr and Mrs Langa

Me: how is he?

Him: he is going to pull through ma'am but we need to keep a close eye on him

Hubby: can you please have him transferred to St Mary's. We have a family doctor there

Him: we can try get it done but your son needs to be in a steady place

Hubby: Please just get it done

Him: as you wish.

While we were there waiting my phone rang and it was Sina

//Her: mom I can't reach him

She was crying

Me: he's going to be ok baby. We having him transferred to st Mary's

Her: what happened?

Me: he was involved in a car accident

Her: how bad is it mom

Me: I can't really say

Her: mom please just tell me

Me: it looks really bad but he will pull through baby

Her: you don't know that for sure mom

Me: I have to go the doc just got here.

Her: ma.... //

Dr: They can only be able to transfer him in the morning so all we can do now is wait

Hubby: for what? A miracle? my son was in a car accident and it looks really bad

Me: Honey come down

Him: no I cannot calm down. This man gets paid to make sure my son pulls through

Dr: I know that sir but we've done all we could up to this point and there's nothing more we can do. Sir do you know your son was driving under the influence?

Me: excuse me. What?

Him: the amount of alcohol found in his system is enough to get him arrested. And he is old enough to be in real prison

Me: no please he's dealing with some stuff

Him: the judge wouldn't care about that. Your son almost died tonight

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