Wait For Me To Come Home

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It had been a long day.

Walking up the path to his door, Tim thought of the calls he'd taken. Most of them had been pretty tame. No chases, no raids, no serious accidents. Mostly it had been slow- a paperwork kind of day. So of course he'd get a multi-car pileup right before end of shift. It had been a nightmare. Getting the injured taken care of. Making sure reports were being handled efficiently in the chaos. Coordinating with Fire and EMS. It had all been a lot and it had all taken time. So by the time he got back to the station, put a dent in as much of the paperwork as he could, and changed out it was after midnight.

Pulling his key out, Tim fitted it into the lock, eyes heavy and mind already conjuring images of his bed. He unlocked the door, stepped inside, and then locked it again behind him. He went to deal with the alarm, then frowned as he realized it wasn't on. He pulled his off-duty weapon, even though he wasn't actually worried about an intruder. Still, better safe than dead.

Stepping into the living area, Tim did a quick scan. Kojo was in his crate, curled up and half asleep. His tail gave one lazy wag as a hello, and Tim shook his head. "Guess that means there aren't any murders or thieves, then." Kojo ears perked up for second, but that was it. Tim couldn't blame him, it was late. Making his way through the rest of the house quickly, Tim confirmed that it was empty.

Well, mostly.

Walking back to his bedroom Tim opened the door to Lucy curled up on his side of the bed. He walked over to his nightstand, turning on the lamp and putting his gun in the wall safe above it. Then he turned, dropping into a crouch beside the bed, and took in the woman in it. Her dark hair was gathered over one shoulder, a lovely contrast against her bare skin. Her lips were curved into a small, sleepy smile that Tim adored. And as he watched, her eyelids fluttered and blinked open so he could see her beautiful brown eyes- warm and soft and full of love.

"Hi," he whispered.

"Hi." Lucy reached her hand out toward him and Tim reached back, covering her small hand with his larger one palm to palm. His index finger slowly caressed the inside of Lucy's wrist and he watched the way her smile widened even as her eyes turned a shade darker. He loved seeing her like this- warm and content, wrapped in his sheets. He loved seeing her relaxed and happy- knowing she felt safe in his home. With him. "Come to bed, Tim."

He shook his head. "I like this view."

Lucy chuckled lightly, pressing her face into his pillow as her cheeks colored slightly. Peeking through the curtain of her hair, Lucy rolled her eyes playfully. "If you get in bed maybe there'll be another view for you to enjoy." And yeah, Tim would love that, too. But he still didn't move, yet. He wanted to enjoy this moment a little longer.

"I love seeing you in my bed," he told her, pulling their joined hands closer and kissing each of her fingers. "I love coming home to you." His head dipped low, pressing a soft kiss to the delicate skin of her wrist. "I love falling asleep with you in my arms." Tim leaned in, letting his lips settle over hers in a warm, languid kiss. Lucy sighed happily and Tim thought it might be one of his absolute favorite sounds.

Lucy shook her head, slowly. There was something soft and sweet in her eyes that made Tim's chest ache a little. "You are such a romantic, sometimes." Tim scoffed at that. He wasn't romantic. All of his other girlfriends had told him as much. He was just...honest. "You don't have to believe me- I know I'm right." He leaned in and kissed her nose, just to wipe that sweet little smile off her face. That kind of softness was devastating to his equilibrium. Sticking her tongue out in protest, Lucy tugged on their joined hands trying to pull him closer. "Come to bed, I want to snuggle," she whined.

Tim shook his head at her antics but stood up. Stripping where he stood he watched Lucy's eyes trail over his body as she waited for him to join her. "You're so needy, Luce," he teased, as her eyes lingered on his abs. But he let her enjoy the show for another second before nudging her back to her  side of the bed and crawling in. Lucy attached herself to his side almost immediately and Tim didn't even bother pretending he didn't love it. "God, you're a mess."

"Mm, but I'm your  mess," she hummed, snuggling in closer. Yes. Yes, you are. Lucy pressed her face against his chest and curled one leg up over his thigh, leaving as little space between their bodies as she could. And Tim let her- because why would he ever not. Letting out a contented sigh, Lucy relaxed completely in Tim's arms. "I'm glad you're home. Can't sleep without you." And yeah, Tim had known he was a goner for this woman, but that? Knowing how much he meant to her? It took his breath away. Tim's lips curved up into a soft smile. He pressed a loving kiss to her dark tresses and held her close.

"I love you, Lucy Chen."

"I love you, Tim Bradford."

They fell asleep like that, wrapped up in love and each other.

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