I'm so sorry...

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Alexs pov
The guys came out looking hot as fuck.
"Guys you clean up nicley", I said laughing.
"Shouldnt we be getting to the bus?", asked hunter wanting to get off the subject.
"Uh huh yeah lets go", I said trying to sound enthusiastic.

When we arrived most of the bands were already there and most were shitfaced.I was greeted by a very Austin. I stayed away from Asking Alexandria.I didn't want to talk to them right now. Me and Jess sat next to Alan and Tino from Om&m and had a "few" drinks.Well...eventually we were all pissed beyond well..austin.
"Cccome...eerr", slurred Alan pulling to the back of the bus.I followed him to drunk to argue.Before I even had a say me and Alan were making out on Bens bed.We were fine untill Danny walked in.He looked so shocked and sober.He ripped Alan from me and started yelling causing his band mates to run in.I pushed past them all and looked at jess who gave me a sorry look and shook her head before I ran out the bus.I sat down behind it and continued to cry.I thought I was alone untill I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and I knew exactly who it was from that point on.
"Look, babe we-", Danny said.
"No don't "babe" me", I said emotionless.
"Right uh sorry...just a habbit", he replied."We need to talk please just jear me out."
I sighed and let him continue.
"I have missed you like crazy and honestly it fucking kills me thinking about what I done and I'm so sorry I really just want you back, I need you back.I was only with those other girls because I needed to try and move on from you and it didnt work...I'm so...", he said starting to cry and I promised myself I would never allow Danny past the barrier I had re built but I couldnt help it.I pulled him into a hug and brought his face up so that his eyes met mine.
"I still love you", he said before leaning down and giving me a long kiss.The kind he gave me when we were younger.
"Danny...you have no idea how much I have missed you", I said which made him smile.
"Have I got my baby back?", he asked me.
"You sure do", I replied.

This was a really short chapter sorry about that I just wanted to get to the good bit xD

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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