New me no us...

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*2 years later*

I've changed alot in 2 years..I now only have snake bites,a full fringe and I go by the name of Alex.I moved back up to Scotland and formed a band with Jess my friend Damon and Hunter.We got signed and moved to the states.We were signed with Relentless Records.We are called "This is reality".

"AGHHHHH!",I shouted.


"Go get Hunter and Damon",I said.

"Okay",she said and quickly re-turned with my brother and friend.

"What?What is it Alex?",Hunter asked me.

"We're going on tour!!!",I said.

Everyone screamed.

"A little problem though,we're touring with 2 bands",I said.

"Whats wrong with that?",Jess asked.

"Its OM&M and...

Asking Alexandria",I said gritting my teeth as I done so.

"Oh..",said Damon.

"Yeah big fucking oh",I said shouting at him.

He flinched a little.

"Look im sorry but I just...",I said memories flooding back.

"Its okay",he said.

We watched some OM&M interviews then AA ones.

Bryan:Who's Alexandria?

Danny:Just some whore that me and Ben dated in Highschool

Ben:Danny shut the fuck up,she wasnt a whore and you loved her dont lie

Bryan:ooooo Danny!!

I picked up the remote and turned over the T.V.I was gkad that Ben stuck up for me a bit.I put on Scuzz only to find him fucking on it.The writing below read.

"Danny Worsnop,lead singer of Asking Alexandria has been arrested after punching a night club bar tender in the face after she refused him another drink because she claims he was "out of his mind".

"Ugh..he disgusts me",I said watching the T.V.

"Yeah no fucking went out with that..he could've done that to you",Damon said when I picture of the woman came up.She had a black eye and red blotches on her nose.

"He was also seen with 4 seperate girls on the same night".

"I just can't,Hunter turn it off",I semi-screamed.

"Calm down",Jess said,"its not him thats done this he's not that man you should be mad at",she continued.

"Yeah I guess anyways...1 week untill tour,im going to start packing because you know how long its takes me to get ready",I said laughing.

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