Lets do this shit!

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Alexandria pov

The school was the same as every other one.It looked like a prison.

"I'll take her to reception Danny you can get Myth",Ben said.I was a bit upset about the fact that Danny has a gf.

As Danny walked away he gave Ben a cold stare as he grabbed my hand and we began to towards the building.I herd a slut say ,"Look another emo,she's been here 5 minutes and already she's getting in about people".

"Shut it Devyn shouldnt ypu be getting checked for HIV?",Ben said making me laugh.He was still holding my hand.I guess I liked Ben as well as Danny.

"Thanks Ben",I said trying to kiss his cheek,1 because he's fucking huge and 2 because he turned around and we ended up properly kissing.We just looked away blushing.He still however held my hand.

"Sorry about that",he said blushing.

I checked in and got my timetable,Ben still with me.It turned out I had every class with him,Danny amd his mates.

The first bell rang for class.

"Well comeon newbie",laughed Ben.

"Not helping",I said hitting him on the arm.

"We both have English lets go",he said pulling me up a flight of stairs.

"Im shitting myself",I admitted.

"Dont worry about it.The guys will love you I already know me and Danny do",he said winking.

We arrived in class.Ben holding me hand again gaining wolf whistles from his mates in the far corner and I gave the teacher who was called Mr.Winn my papers,my hand shaking as I done so.I got my books and sat down next to Ben.

"Alexandria this is James,Cameron,Sam and Myth",said Danny.

"Hi Alexandria,nice name",said the guy I believed was Sam said.

"Ben you've got yourself a looker",James said gaining a stare from Danny.

"Can I remind you that you have a girlfriend",Danny said coldly to James.

"Ouch!Who shat in your cornflakes?",James replied.

"Oh we arnt dating",I said which seemed to soften Danny up.

"Well in that case",said Cameron,"I call dibs",he continued running past and kissing me cheek.

"Oh no you don't",Ben said chasing after him.

They just got back to there seat before the teacher looked up.

Me,Myth and the guys just mucked about for the whole lesson. Mr.Winn never even seemed to care.

"Ugh look at her,shes a slut and a half",Devyn said from a couple of tables behind me.

"Oh yeah",I said turning round,"considering that im not the one who's tan looks like I've rolled around in a doritozs bag and has aids",I continued causing everyone to laugh even the teacher.

"You little bitch",she said.

"Im only smaller than you because your wearing 10 inch heels,wait wasnt that the first size of dick to go into you?",I said causing the guys to laugh harder.

She ran at me and Ben stuck his foot out causing her to trip,making her skirt go up and revealing her thong.

"Okay Devyn thats enough",Mr.Winn said.

"Hasnt anyone been in you?",Ben asked seriously.

"No im a virgin",I said.

"Well then",said Cameron looking at Ben and smiling.

"Okay no way",I said.

The bell went for a break and we all stood up to walk out the classroom.

"I absolutely love you already",said James still laughing.

"Well I do try",I said flipping my hair in a sassy way making all the guys including Mr.GrumpyFuckTard laugh.

Ben wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Oh hello",I said twisting my head.

Danny pished Ben out of the way.It wasnt a hard push but he then picked me up and spun the round.He put me down and gave me a hug making the butterflies go crazy in my stomach.I was getting death glares from Myth.Afterwards Danny kissed her cheek still looking at me and Ben.

Was he trying to make me jelous?

Something told me he was but I wasnt going to let it get to me.I was happy the way things were right now.

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