The Days Arrived

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Alexandria pov

My alarm rang at 7:00am with 'Beast and the Harlot' by Avenged Sevenfold.I went to look for something to wear.I pulled out my Nirvana top and ripped skinny jeans.I had a shower and washed my hair.It was then 7:20am.I put on my clothes and went to do my makeup letting my hair dry.I firstly put on my foundation then drawing on my eyeliner.I then straightened my hair and back combed my bangs before hairspraying the whole lot it was 8:00am.I woke up my mum and went to get monster from the fridge.

"Morning shit bag",my mum said.

"Oh thanks I love you to",I replied.

She ruffled her hand through my hair.

"DONT TOUCH MY HAIR!!",I shouted ,her of all people should know this.I did afterall take my 40 fucking minutes to do.

"Hurry up you'll be late getting Danny",she said after laughing.

"Yeah",I replied blankly.

"Dont be so bitchy,I think you'll learn to like him",she said.

"Yeah,whatever im away",I said before picking up my bag and heading out the door.

I walked down the street before turning onto their front porch.I knocked on the door and a kind of good looking guy with long-ish dirty blonde hair and spider bites opened it.

"Uhmm...hey your alexandria right?",he asked me with thee most recognisable english accent ever whilst smiling.

"'re Ben?",I asked,he certainly didnt look like Danny from what I remember.

"Yeah thats right",he said the continued,"Danny a cute girls here".

I smiled at him callimg me cute.

"Yeah just a se- Alexandria?",he asked shocked.

"Uhmm.. yes hey Danny",I said not even looking up.

He had hair like me only shorter and it was brown.He also had snake bites.He was kind of....wait no he was really attractive.

"Alexandria!",his mother said pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Mrs.W",I said hugging her back.

"Dont just stand there Daniel,hug the damn girl",she said pushing him towards me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into a hug.My heart started beating faster.My palms were sweating.What the fuck was going on?

He pulled away smiling.He still had the same smile.It made me melt.I smile I onced hated but now liked...a bit more.I guess I just liked Danny.Im pretty sure he got the same feeling I did because he started blushing.Ben gave me a hug too and I noticed Danny giving him glares.It was kind of...attractive I guess.I could just be jumping to conclusions.

"Well lets get going to the hell hole",said Danny.

"Yeah",I said looking at Ben who was staring at me.

He was very cute to.I walked behind the boys letting them show me the way to school.

"She's hot",I herd Ben whisper,which again made me smile alot.

I saw Danny slap him on the head then turned to look at me.

"Yeah I guess she is",Danny replied even quiter.

"What you can't say that you have a girlfriend remember?",said Ben turning to look at me.

"Yeah I know",Danny said,"I just cant believe I was such a dick to her because she told me to".

I wondered who she was.I was so lost in thought that I didnt even notice that we had arrived at school.

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