chapter 41

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Lucifer:The biggest disadvantage of the current world government is that they have the strongest personal compared to the other organizations

He says while looking around the room

Lucifer:The other organizations have two to three people at most who could be considered top class. But aside from these people, the rest of them aren't a serious threat. In contrast,the world government has six top class members:the world president, world vice-president, the specialists winter and Wiess schnee, general Ironwood and me(Lucifer Morningstar). Plus we're supported by the reliable central figures known as "executives". If we assume that top class fighters keep each other in check,ultimately, the thing that would determine who wins in a war is the difference in central power

He says as he grips the sides of the podium

Lucifer:I plan on making theses central figures, the executives, much stronger than they are now

He says before standing up straight

Lucifer:first, I'll recruit more executives and then divide them into even more specialized areas, splitting them into teams of a few people each of them act according to their position...

He says as some raises their hand

The one:I have a question

He says as he stands up

The one:all of this enhancement, specialization and efficiency of the executive organization is great

He says as he walks toward lucifer

Th one:I understand this~ and that~ blah~blah~ The whole explanation, but there's one thing

He says as stands infront of lucifer clearly towering over him as he looks down at the devil

The one:your credentials as a leader

He says as Lucifer looks up at him

The one:I'm curious as to whether you'll be able to lead us under the name of "the new one". Even though your a hero from the time of the great war

He says as lucifer slips off his shoes

Lucifer:*sigh* then...


He looks up at the one

Lucifer:I guess I need to "demonstrate my abilities"

The one:maybe?

He says while looking down at him

The one:'the air...has changed'

He thinks to himself as he and lucifer have a stare down

The one:'...?! My arms?!'

Lucifer:recoilless hell sycthe

He says under his breath as the one's metal arms are sliced clean off

The one:?!

Lucifer's bare foot is seen a little ways from his neck as his arms are seen still attached to his body and are raised as lucifer walks past him as the one looks at him

The one:huh?


Lucifer puts his leg down as the one holds his arm

The one:'I'm surprised that he purposely made me focus on my arms to confuse me as to where he would attack,but it's much more astonishing that his kick was quicker than I could gaurd my arm...and speaking of that kick..'

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