episode 11

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3RD PERSON POV: Jinn and Ahan are seen walking together to school the latter having a pep in his step

Jinn:I'm the strongest~ I'm the strongest~ the strongest~

He says as Ahan grumbles at him

Ahan:don't get cocky just because you won one fight alright

She says as her brother sends a cocky smirk at her and continues to chant much to her eark

Jinn:I'm the strongest~ I'm the strongest~


She groans as they pass by a boy with white hair wearing blacked out classes

MEANWHILE: Annie, Moksha and Kai are seen on their way to school enjoying their day only for a burglar on a moped to be seen speeding toward them as they look behind him with Jinn on a bike with Riku standing on said bike with a wooden sword in hand


He sighs  and punches the burglar off the moped and continues on

Kai:you guys owe me!

He says as they walk past the two teenagers who look at him one confused the ither angry

Riku:oh shut it will ya!

TIMESKIP: Kai is seen back at the base clearly waiting for someone

Kai:Jiyoung said to wait here...

He says as he sees his sisters with Riku wearing a sports bra with a jacket that's open with leggings and sneakers while Elyria had a hoodie with short shorts on with leggings and sneakers. Riku gives the boy a wave as Kai waves back as Elyria pulls out a box of cigarettes and opens it and offers one to her siblings

Elyria:want one?

Her brother and sister take one as they light small flames at the tips of their fingers and light the cigarettes


The hybrid's hear footsteps and see their older sister and younger twin sisters

Rinne:what did I say about smoking?

The triplets groan

Kai/Riku/Elyria:don't smoke in the first place


Kai/Riku/Elyria:and if we are around Melina and Jin

They say while putting the cigarettes out as they hear more footsteps and turn to see their fellow child super soldiers as they all point at each other

Morningstar siblings:YOU!!!

The others:YOU!!!

Jiyoung:quite down!

She says while taking a drag from her cigar as they all go silent

Jiyoung:look, I assembled you all here because you all want to become assassins. But also I'm sure you guys have noticed how fucked the system we live in is

She says to receive nods as they all stand in a line like soldiers

Jiyoung:and that's why I called you guys here. That and I believe its time an old team is to place assembled. Have you guys heard of the Angels of Death?

She says only to receive shakes of the head from them

Jiyoung:well to give you and idea. They're a team of people that have existed for centuries. All the way back to the age of darkness of the world. And with every new generation, at least one from the previous generation helps train the current generation. You guys are seventeenth generation. And you guys show promise to be just as great as the second and first generations. And your in luck you got two people from the previous generation and the first and second generations

She says much to the teens confusion as they then instinctively jump away from where they were as Kai while in the air dodges something and kicks it in the side and jumps away as the teens and young adult look ahead and come face to face with

She says much to the teens confusion as they then instinctively jump away from where they were as Kai while in the air dodges something and kicks it in the side and jumps away as the teens and young adult look ahead and come face to face with

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