chapter 52

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Xiaochen:*whisper* shall I go first?

Jaune:*whisper*...there's no need for that it's a hologram. Plus...

He says while looking to the side

Jaune:*whisper*they've placed dummies identical to themselves all over the place. just like irondick...and as always the real ones will be locked away somewhere

He says before looking through the vent along side xiaochen both forming a plan within their minds

Hinowa:*whisper*they're so full of themselves as if their the "kings of the world"...

Tobari:*whisper*man~ those sneaky bastards~!


She says as she looks at jaune and nods at him as he does the same as he turns to Tobari and Hinowa

Jaune:looks like we found out the location of the lab

WITH THE TRIO AND PEACH: after beating Fanimer and moving on into the tournament along side their students our beloved trio is seen with peach with said female looking cute ss she would put it

Lunar:what are you doing....?

Peach:being cute!

She says before transforming back into executive V as they walk down a hallway

Peach:the drug you three were given there is an MF-640 neural paralysis drug,which is absorbed into your respiratory system or skin. For you mori(jinn) you were only able to move in a short amount of time while kai(ash) and riku(lunar) while they could move a little longer than you and because you three are you

She says as the near a door with a cross on it


He says as he opens to door and enters the room with his childhood best friends and peach to see their students relaxing and hanging out together while Noah reads a book

Lunar:Holla~ bitches~

She says as she plops herself onto the side of Hana's bed

Hana:master forger!

She exclaims happily along side her fellow students as she hugs lunar

Lunar:good to see you too,niño

She says as she hugs Hana back

Ash:we felt bad show up empty-handed so I bought some snacks~

He says while holding up a back of snacks as the students happily take them

Jinn:how are your legs?

Noah:thanks to the nano machine, we'll be completely healed in two days! Just like you said!

MEANWHILE: Morgiana is seen in her classroom bored out of her mind while looking out the window

Morgiana:'man~ this is so boring~. I wonder how dad's doing after all Laura did say uncle jaune found him...but he's competing in the G.O.H vytal along with uncle jinn and aunt lunar...that and mama Rias said that I should be studying and preparing for her and my other mothers weddings. Urgh'

She mentally says as she rests her face in her palm


She sighs before leaning back into her chair

Morgiana:'why am I so worried, if anything I should worry for the poor bastards that have to fight them...'

Ddraig:'are you paying attention young lady?'


She jumps by the sudden voice of her uncle and falls out of her chair as she sits up with a grumble

Teacher:ah! Miss.Gremory,you finally decided to participate in class unlike your sister...

He says while motioning to the sleeping Millet at her desk that is next to her sister Morgiana's

Morgiana:*whisper yell*wake up!

She says as millet shoots up


She says while looking around frantically as their classmates burst out laughing at them

Teacher:now, I wouldn't be laughing if I was you all,after all those two are the smartest students here. Period

He says as the class goes silent as morgiana sits back down as Millet telepathically speack to her sister

Millet:'what's on your mind?'

Morgiana:'the usual, I just want to have dad back...'

Millet:'we will,besides he'll come for us like he always does,he's always there to protect and save us, and when he comes we can be a family again. Besides you know dad..'

Ddraig:'yep and if it's one thing it's that he's going to stop at nothing to get you all back'

Millet:'man it's still weird hearing your voice uncle Ddraig'

Morgiana:'you get used to it...'

Millet:'no,no I will not'

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