chapter 48

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Tobari:by the way...jinn is Jaecheondaeseong while ash and lunar are the zero calamity and queen of the abyss, after all,so they should win the tournament,right?

She asks as they continue on their way as jaune speaks while leaning his arm on the wall

Jaune:like I told you before, if jinn's, ashes and Lunar's are in the conditions that they displayed during the preliminaries along with shin and ahan,

Xiaochen/Hinowa:too much dirt...

They quietly say as jaune continues

Jaune:it would be hard to beat the other "angels of death candidates". They are strong too,but the fact that their previous selves didn't have any weaknesses will trip up the current them. Unless they quickly get used to the gap between their bodies at their prime and their current weaker bodies, victory will be impossible. Especially them...

He says as xiaochen looks at her phone as tobari and Hinowa look over her shoulder


Xiaochen then turns to her son/younger brother figure and shows the phones screen to him

Xiaochen:preist Peach just sent me the current score for jinn,lunar and ash!

She says as she hands the phone over to jaune as the blonde male sees their current score

Hinowa:they've already beaten most of the "candidates" you were worried about!

Tobari:I told you, they are the zero calamity, queen of the abyss and Jaecheondaeseong after all!

She says as jaune justs stare at the phones screen in a stunned silence

Jaune:'guess dad was right about them, if their parents where monsters then so will their kids be monsters'

He mentally states as he hands xiaochen her phone that is smoking for unknown reasons back as he puts his hands in his pockets

Jaune:we can't let our gaurd down! The tournament isn't over yet!


Hinowa:why is it smoking?

She asks while looking at xiaochen's phone as xiaochen sighs before throwing the phone away

Xiaochen:guess he really is just like him, now I have to get another one...

She says as they continue on their way as jaune gains a small smile

Jaune:' guys always...exceed my expectations...'

WITH OUR TRIO: Ash,lunar and jinn are seen sweating as ashes finger twitches as his sister's foot twitches as jinn's hand twitches a little bit

Ash:'alright...! It looks like I can move it a bit!'

He mentally states before looking at his now reopened wound before looking away from it

Lunar:'I can't believe a little wound and poison would paralyze us like this...'

Jinn:we've much weaker...

He says as they then gain determined expressions

Lunar:'snap out of it! How will we save what's close and important to us if we let a little thing like this stop us?!'


Jinn:'hell no!'

Lunar/ash/jinn:'then just fucking stand up already!!!'

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