chapter 71: Kai Morningstar vs Executives pt.4

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chapter 6
Re:a battle with the gods
Chapter 71
(Episode 374)



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Ash:'stay calm. I was only in my "Kai Morningstar/Sung Ash-woo state" for around ten minutes during the fight with Seong Frost. If not careful, I might not spread out my stamina properly'

Ash begins to redirect and stab the swords into the ground at a slow pace





Ash catches the last sword between his toes and redirects it away from him and into the ground


The executives watch on with a cold sweat

Executive:hey "D" what's his borrowed power?!

Executive D:uh...
[Executive D
Borrowed power:Goibniu(Stat dedacter)]

Ashes foot then moves in a blur of motion faster than the human eye can track and takes out the two executives next to Executive D who looks over his shoulder


Executive D:huh?

Ash then appears infront of him just as he turns around as he flinches and puts his arms up waiting to be hit but nothing happens as he looks behind himself to see Ash effortlessly defeating the executives

Ash:*quietly* gotta do this slowly...spinning kick

spinning kick

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Spinning kick]

Executive D loses more of his hair

Executive D:he's not's just ordinary martial arts...

Executive E raises both his arms in the air

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