Just having a little fun

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3rd Person:

The room was filled with silence as the two just stared at each other. One wore a smile on his face while the other, wore a concerned look on their face. The man was already enjoying this power he currently possessed over them. He could already imagine the things he could do to you in this state and the thought of that was maddening. 

-"You look quite frightened, is something wrong?" he asked wearing a small grin on his face.

-"You don't need to be this scared, I will not harm you in any capacity." this caught them off-guard, after all those attempts sought at killing him, he still claimed to not provoke any harm. 

2nd person:

Pantalone started looking at your features, taking in every detail of your face with a subtle but mischievous grin being noticeable on his face. In what seemed like an instant, Pantalone's face lit up with an idea in mind. He slowly approached your face and gave you a small peck on the lips leaving you in complete questions as to his actions.

-"My, your face is all red.~ Was that really so new to you?" asks the Harbinger in a teasing manner.

You couldn't articulate a single word; you never knew he was this persuasive. Knowing all this, Pantalone kissed you once more only this time, he deepened the kiss leaving no gap between you two. Your face was all the redder with each passing second, tongues intertwining with each other as the kiss only got more passionate. Time felt like it stopped during the intimacy you were both sharing, despite how wrong it felt in your mind, your body wanting the kiss to last longer. Much to your disappointment, Pantalone broke the kiss as he seemed breathless from the length of the kiss.  You on the other hand, could still handle more and you wanted more. A feeling of desperation rushed through your body, a feeling of wanting more of a mortal was new to you. Without you realizing, you released a surprise whimper from your lips which caught both you and the Harbinger off-guard.

-"My my~, your body seems...desperate for more." cooed Pantalone into your ear earning another quiet whimper from you. 

Noticing your reactions to his touch, he made quick work and started kissing down to your neck, leaving subtle marks all over your collarbone. You were desperately trying to hold back small moans from the pleasure that was alien to you for so many centuries. Pantalone noticed your attempt in hiding your sweet sounds from his ears.

-"Oh, come one dear, there's no need to hide your cure noises from me. ~" whispered Pantalone in a deep tone to add to your excitement.

Pantalone continued to adorn your neck with kisses as pleasure became greater for you. After a while of leaving marks on your neck he went back to kiss your lips, initiating a deep make-out session. After a minute of kissing a knock was heard on the door. Out of instinct you attempted to get up from your laying position but forgot you were bound to the bed-like structure. The Harbinger was not pleased with this and only deepened the kiss, giving little regard to the person on the other side of the door.

-"Hey, what are you doing to the god in there?" claimed the voice outside. Knowing that the voice who spoke was Dottore Pantalone eased up a bit. You then let out a quick but loud moan as Pantalone broke the kiss that the both of you shared. Pantalone looked at you with a lustful and pleased look before answering Dottore's question.

-"It's ok Dottore, I'm simply just having a little fun with them." answered Pantalone with a relaxed tone. Although Dottore had his doubts and question, he didn't pry any further and simply agreed and left.

After that a silence filled the room when Pantalone remembered he needed to continue his work. 

-"Forgive me for cutting this short, I need to get back to work." said the Harbinger then proceeded by giving you a quick peck on your forehead and promptly leaving. Now there was a god tied to a bed left dumbfounded as to their previous experience with the Harbinger. 

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