Deal with it

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1st Person:

I was left there in silence still feeling the warm sensation in my body as Pantalone leaved the room to continue his work. Still bound to the bed I attempted to free myself only to be greeted by a door opening revealing the Doctor, Dottore. 

-"Why hello, I see you're still bound to the bed."

My face turned to an annoyed one as I came to see him.  He seemed to notice my annoyance since he gave me a grin.

-"Is there a chance you'll remove these restraints?" I asked ignoring the grin I was receiving.

-"No." "Well, not yet at least." his respond came as quickly as my question, it's like he anticipated that question. Answering my question, he slowly approached me, I could tell that he had something in his hands, seeing as how they were behind his back.  

2nd Person:

As he was walking towards your direction, you tried to see what was behind his back. He seemed to notice this since an almost unnoticeable smile appeared on his face. 

-"While The Regrator is out I am free to examine you, it isn't often that I have a god as a test subject." 

Dottore revealed the object behind him, well objects behind him. He held a syringe, some tweezers and a scalpel.  Your mind couldn't help but be filled with curiosity as you wondered what he would use those tools for.

-"I would hope you already know what I hold in my hands, if you're wondering what I'll use these for, I'm simply going to obtain some DNA from you. I've never really collected DNA from a god like yourself so it will be a perfect way to help me in my experiments." 

-"Exactly what do you imply when you say "god like myself"?"

-"Exactly what I mean, you are not the first god I've conducted research on, and I doubt you'll be the last."

You had to say it, this man was a complete mad man. You had to wonder how long he has done research to be able to collect DNA on gods, from what he said he has experimented on quite a few numbers of gods in his past years.

-"Exactly how long have you been doing research for?"

-"How old are you?" replied the Doctor.

-"700 years old, why must you ask?"

-"Hm. That's a lot older than I estimated, you sure don't look of that age."

-"Are you mocking me?"

-"There is no need to get so defensive about that, but to answer your question, I am older than I look as well though, not as old as yourself."

This conversation seemed to be going nowhere, none of the topics entertained seem to really interest you, and you still were curious as to what he was going to do with you.

-"We've wasted enough time already, let us begin the DNA collection." you could see a smirk slowly show on his face as he held the syringe to a point that was right in front of his face. He brought the syringe close a vein in your arm and inserted the needle, as the syringe slowly filled up with your blood. He then looked at the blood with a look similar to that of a child who received a wonderful present for their birthday. After a while of gazing at the blood, he put the syringe to the side and grabbed the pair of tweezers. He brought the tweezers to your scalp, clinging on to a thread of your hair. You really weren't into people just touching you in such a way, and your facial expression showed that.

-"Is something the matter?"

-"I don't like being touched like this."

-"Well, you'll have to deal with it sweetheart." 

This didn't make anything better, if anything, your expression only worsened and became more angered at the man. Despite all the signs of frustration on your part, Dottore only seemed to press further on the conversation.

-"You claim to not like being touched but you did not seem to have a problem when The Regrator was the one doing so."

This comment made you confused on which emotion to show, either anger or showing your flustered. But Dottore didn't care, he only truly cared about your DNA, and he still had one last thing to do before he had sufficient DNA, using the scalpel. 

You noticed him grabbing the scalpel and again your mind was flooded with questions. He made quick work and sliced a small bit of your skin; he repeated the same progress a total of 3 times before finally concluding his work.

-"I appreciate you letting me take samples of your DNA, well, it's not like you had much of a saying in the matter. I'll be taking my leave now."

And with that you were left in the silence filled room waiting for someone, preferably Pantalone, to enter the room and fill the silence that seems to haunt you. 

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