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before i start WHAT THE FUCK. why are people reading this. honesty i started writing this for fun but NOW PEOPLE ARE SEEING THIS OMG. anyways thanks i shall continue for u. im shutting up now


robin packs up after the bell, standing up and slinging his backback onto his shoulder. he goes to bolt out the door but finney stops him "hey robin??" he asks slowly stepping toward the male.

robin screams internally but turns on his heels. "yeah, whats up?" he locks eyes with finney. "vance and bruce are going to out to get milkshakes and invited me. i reallllyy do not want to third wheel again so could you tag along?" he smiles.

"i mean yeah sure but ill have to stop by my house and ask my mother." he shrugs and continues out the door. finney cheers and does a small jump then follows after robin.

once they had made it, robin takes his shoes off at the front door. "shoes off please. my mom doesn't like shoes on her wood floors." finney nods and slips his shoes off, setting them beside robins.

robin pushes open the front door. "mamá estoy en casa! traje a un amigo" he shouts. (mom im home! i brought a friend) finney hears noise in the kitchen then sees a lady walk out the kitchen and towards them.

"hola cariño" she says happily to her son, giving him a big hug. (hello hun) "hello friend! hug hug" she says to finney in a thick spanish accent, holding out her arms.

"mamá detente lo vas a poner incómodo" robin groans but his mom slaps his arm. finney gives her a short hug and she happily accepts. (mom stop you're going to make him uncomfortable)

as robin continues to talk to his mom, finney goes and looks at the family pictures hanging on the wall by the door. "hey my mom said-" robin pauses.

"aww look its little you" he says pointing at a professional taken picture or robin laying on his stomach, his head in his hands. "oh no oh no don't look at that" he runs up and tries to cover it but its to late.

"come on its adorable!" finney teases. "not even. don't tell my mom she'll show you all my baby photos" robin groans "you should not have told me that" finneys eyes grow wide and robin pulls him out the front door.

"NOPE NOPE WE ARE LEAVING CMON LETS GO NOW" robin rushes down the driveway, pulling finney behind him "I WILL SEE THE BABY PHOTOS I PROMISE ILL SEE THEM ALL" finney retaliates, laughing like crazy.

"can we just go get milkshakes now" robin groans.

the bell dings as they walk in the door. bruce spots finney and starts waving like a mad man. "over here over here" he shouts, making vance embarrassed.

"oh my god you do not have to draw this much attention." vance says, sinking into the booth. "yes i do" bruce says proudly.

robin sits in the inside of the booth facing vance. "how did you get dragged here." vance rasies his eyebrow. robin sighs "milkshakes" is all he says.

"no strawberry is definitely the best like come on chocolate tastes like candle wax" robin agrues with finney. "no definitely vanilla its so good. literally the classic" finney says while rolling his eyes.

"thats because you're white" robin says. "THAT MAKES NO SENSE" finney protests. "you are what you eat" robin shrugs.
finney excuses himself and gets up to go to the bathroom, bruce standing up with him. "i need to go too" he says, following finney. once they were out of sight vance finds his chance to mess with robin

"soo you and finney huh" vance wiggles his eyebrows. "shut up dude don't act like i don't see you and bruce holding hands under the table" robin glares.

"at least i know how to make a move" robin rolls his eyes at his friends words. "finney doesnt like me like that. hes just friendly" robin sighs and places his chin on the palm of his hand.

"DUDE. you are seriously blind he for sure likes you. the way he looks at you when you're talking man, its like he wanted to kiss you" vance says in a serious tone.

"oh my god not even" robins face turns bright red.

"i just want to kiss him!!" finney groans and bruce just laughs. "i don't even know how he feels about me. its like he doesn't even care about being my friend! let alone my boyfriend."

"finney its okay! he definitely likes you i mean he definitely didn't just come for a milkshake. hes barely touched it." bruce pats his friend on the back. "make a small move and see how he reacts. you'll know if he likes you.

finney just nods at bruces advise. "lets go back before they become suspicious" finney takes a deep breath and walks out the bathroom.

im writing this on the school bus because my class is otw to help some people at the food bank. i did not sign up for this btw but better than doing geometry I GUESS. anyways bye love you give your parents a hug dont do drugs watch the walking dead ok bye.
i did not spell check.

892 words

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