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finney and bruce make it back to the table and sit down in thier respective seats. finney scooted a bit closer than he was before, making thier legs touch. robin glances down real quick then back up at finney, who was pretending not to notice.

while robin, vance and bruce were talking, finney was thinking on what he should do. he looks around the room for a second then gets a idea. finney lets out small gasp, motioning bruce to get closer from across the table.

"im going to pretend like that guy over there is super hot. please just go along with it" finney whispers in bruces ear while pointing at some boy.

"oh my gosh finneeyy he so is" bruce gors along as finney asks. "stop i know" finney covers his mouth. "what? what are you two talking about" robin asks quickly.

"finney thinks that boy over there is cute" bruce wiggles his eyebrows "who him" robin points aggressively "hes not even cute" he continues.

"stop stop!! hes gonna see you and come over here" finney squeals, pulling robin down onto the booth. finney slaps robin on the arm "don't make it obvious thats so embarrassing"

robin rolls his eyes and stares at finney as him and bruce continue talking about the boy they found so interesting. robin scoots closer to finney their legs touching more. finney looks over and robin just sips his milkshake.

robin was annoyed that finney was giving him any attention. finney looks at robin who was lowkey sulking in his milkshake. finney leans into robins shoulder "what do you wanna do after this?" he asks. robin turns his head to face finney who was very close.

"uh i don't know. what do you wanna do?" robin asks back. "go to your house and look at your baby pictures" finney says with a big smile. "definitelyyy not" robin laughs. "we can go to my house but absolutely no baby pictures"

"oh oh can we come!" bruce asks happily "sure i mean, my mom wouldn't mind. she loves company." robin shrugs "and hugs!!" finney laughs.

"oh god finney that dude is coming over here." bruce panics. the boy walks up to their booth and smiles. "hi! im tony i was uhm wondering if you wanted to be friends?" robin glaces at finney and can
tell hes uncomfortable

"sorry man his uh friends list is full" robin says while shrugging" tony gives robin and confused look. "what? theres not limit on the amount of friends you can have.." "well finney has one so get going" bruce rolls his eyes.

"ugh what ever i don't even want to be friends with your lame ass. its was like a dare or whatever." tony flips off finney.

robin gasps dramatically "oh god finney did you see that!! he flipped you off with his fat  finger" finney holds his chest "oh no what will i ever dooo"

"you two are so stupid." vance groans

"i thought you said he was cute?" robin scrunches his eyebrows in confusion.

"oh uh yeah..hes not as cute up close..." finney makes up a quick excuse. "yeah he needs to stay at a distance. hes cuter when hes across the room" bruce covers his mouth to muffle his laughter.

"can we just leave" vance says, fed up.


idk how i feel about this chaper and its short too but whatever sorry it sucks. ill make a longer one tomorrow maybe no promises. anyways almost christmas fuck thanksgiving i hate turkey this is a ham household ONLY.

ok im gonna go listen to three days grace and probably cry. bye be safe stay cute and idk do some homework or clean ur trashed room i can see those clothes on ur floor damn. OK BYE

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