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finney sat in his final class of the day, wanting nothing more than to go home and hang out with his boyfriend. boyfriend finney smiled happily at the thought of robin being his boyfriend. speaking of robin, he was sat right next to him. 

robin couldn't stop looking at finney. all class period he caught himself looking at him, a light blush on his face and every time  finney caught him his face would get more red and would give him a shy smile

"robin..robin!" finney whispers to the male beside him who was staring..again. "oh what ahm sorry" robin lets out an awkward laugh. "that's like the thousandth time i've caught you staring at me" finney rolls his eyes. 

"sorry i just- you're very handsome" robin looks away as he says the compliment to finney. "oh em geee stawp itt" finney giggles, slapping robin on the arm. "you're so weird" robin glares at the boy beside him. "mhm you love it" finney teases and robin just rolls his eyes. 


vance and bruce sit in front of robin and finney in a booth at a small café. "ok there is something you guys are not telling us" bruce raises an eyebrow at the couple infront of him who were acting oddly suspicious. "can i" robin asks, practically begging finney.

ugh yes go ahead" finney says, giving up trying to hid their relationship anymore. "me and finney are boyfriends!!" robin says excitedly "no way kiss" is the first thing that comes out of vance mouth.

 "what no! not here" finney gasps. "then i don't believe you two" vance shrugs. "vance you are so weird" bruce rolls his eyes and continues talking "when, where, what time, how, did you cry robin?" bruce asks. "HOW DID YOU KNOW HE CRIED" finney says in disbelief. 

robin smacks finney on the arm. "HEY YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T TELL!" "sorry.." finney holds his arm in pain.
"okay..i cried a little" robin admitted. "more like violently sob and squeeze me to death" finney mumbles and robin slapped him again. "it is not nice to hit your BOYFRIEND" finney hits him back while scolding him.

"i cant watch his anymore." vance lays his head on the table, tired of the twos bickering.

"can i kiss you?" finney and robin were sat in robins room, their usual hangout spot. finney whips his head to look at robin. "i told you. you don't have to ask" finney smiles and places his hands on the others face. robins face burns a light shade of red as he leans in to kiss finney.

finney rolls his eyes and grabs onto robins shirt to pull him in faster and give him a quick peck on the lips. after pulling away robin has a goofy smile on his face "what.." finney questions. "ive daydreamed about this" robin wraps his arms around his boyfriend.

the END I STOPPING HERE BC IDK WHERE TO GO WITH THIS STORY. 🥲 I hope u enjoyed fr and im happy to write any other tbp story or like a oneshot book 🧐 OK ANYWAYS MERRYYYYY CHRISTMAS THIS CHAPTER IS MY PRESENT TO YOU. you look so good rn btw wow so good looking. OK BYE HUGS KISSES HIGH-FIVE FIST BUMP WOOOO.

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