Chapter Forty Seven

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. *Mr Makun*

"Urgh it's so hot outside" Jennifer said as she fanned herself with her hand, she just came back from shopping.

She wore a purple floor-length gown, and her hair fell on her shoulders, she was exceptionally beautiful. I just pretended to be doing something important on my phone, I'm trying as much as possible to avoid her tantrums. She sat down on the couch next to mine,

"Didn't you hear what I just said? Why do you like doing that?" she asked, sounding frustrated and I took a deep sigh as I stared at her.

"What do you want me to say Jennifer? You went to the mall in a fully air conditioned Range rover, what else do you want me to do?" I asked and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Really now?" she said, with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry oh" I said, and then I called out to my new house help, "Brenda please get madam some cold water... "

"You don't have to pretend to care, I can do it myself" she said with her hand up stopping me.

She stood up and went into the kitchen, she's so full of drama, the drama I missed so much. I smiled at her behaviour, like mother like daughter as they say. After some time she came back with some orange juice, she sat on the couch again.

"Anh Anh, you didn't get some for me?" I asked and she simply shook her head.

"Anyways I got you some clothes, I'm sure you'll love them" she said excitedly

"Thank you. It's been long that someone got me something" I said and she was amused.

"Well that's bad, I receive gifts all the time you know. Maybe that's why I'm used to getting some for the people around me" she said, and I chuckled.

"And I'm sure most of the gifts are from your darling husband Walter right? By the way, how does your husband feel about you staying here in my house? Or didn't you tell him that you're here?" I asked and she became silent.

"Hello? Earth to Jennifer" I said while waving my hand in front of her, she snapped out of her thoughts. She sat up straight and cleared her throat.

"Umh yeah, Walter and I are over" she said so casually as she sipped her juice, I was shocked

"Wow! I didn't see that one coming at all, but what happened exactly? Did he cheat on you or something?" I asked, sounding worried. Don't get me wrong a huge part of me was happy for an unknown reason.

"No, not exactly, he just... " she was saying as she cleared her throat again. "We just didn't seem compatible.. you know" she said and I scoffed.

"And it took you guys six years to realise that?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"Oh no! We got divorced five months after we got married" she said leaving me speechless. "He's now married with two kids at the moment"

"Are you serious?" I yelled, "And you're just telling me now? Gosh what is with women and secrets?" I said the last part more to myself, as I rubbed my face. And she on the other hand scoffed, the nerve of this woman.

"I'm sorry okay? I just didn't tell you guys because you might think I'm so unlucky with relationships and that something is probably wrong with me or... "

"Yes! Definitely that last one, something is wrong with you Jennifer. Hah! You shock me." I said and she frowned.

"OK can you stop bringing up the past? It's over between us okay?"

"It's not the past oh, maybe for you it is but to us that just found out it's not." I said

"OK then" she said, while standing up. "Stay here and worry about the past, I have better things to do" she said and then she went upstairs stamping her feet like Sophie does when she's upset, I shook my head at that.

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