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This glossary contains massive spoilers, especially under the Deities section. Read at your own risk!


--- Alien species ---

Anlam: a tall arachnid-faced species that are known for its advances in technology. They have small, vestigial wings that are unsuitable for flight. Usually grey or other neutral colors. Their leader is Heth.

Arnoxi (ar-knox-ee): a water-based alien species that are on the short side. They are soft-tissued, able to squeeze into almost any place imaginable. They are humanoid in shape. Their head resembles bioluminescent jellyfish that are used to communicate over long distances. Their leader is Avo.

Be'turian (beh-tur-ee-in): flying insectoids that are often blue. Their limbs are long and arch over their thorax. White, brown, or grey pigments can often be seen on these creatures due to a genetic mixup. Their leader is Zzir. Succeeded by Tzzzp.

Clorklaxt (klor-lax): a hard-shelled quadruped that resembles spiky, bow-legged lizards. They roll into an impenetrable ball when threatened. 

Gcit (sit): a slug-like species. Their leader is Gnaroi.

Glorcxans (glor-shin): a large-eared species that resemble a bat. They are furry in nature and come in a myriad of colors, most often purple. They have eyes that are barely functional, as they mostly rely on their sense of hearing for navigation. They work well in groups.

Im'ill (ihm-eel): a four-armed armored species. They are humanoid in shape and have translucent skin that flows over their bones and muscles like water. 

Montet (moh-nay): a plant-loving species that hail from the planet Kuy. They are gardeners by heart. Herbivorous, they are often seen covered in vines and leaves. No one has seen what they truly look like. 

Moxi: subterranean lizards that rely heavily on light orbs to see. 

Oculum (ock-u-lum): a four-legged bird-like species with large eyes. Their eyesight is the best in the Universe. 

Outkasts: a fabled, highly-feared species banned from the Alliance. 

Plorax: a humanoid species that rely on its lights to communicate. Their heads are completely covered in translucent cells that allow various colors of light to shine through.

Roxn (roh-skn): a magma-based species that are small-bodied and tough. Their skin is hard as a rock and they are born of magma and lava. Their leader is Roxen.

Straytex: a short-statured felinoid species.

Torra (tor-uh): a robotic race created by the Anlam. Some often question its true sentience, as they are not living beings. They are often box-shaped but have the freedom to choose what form they like. They are a hivemind.

Tretrian: An eight-limbed, bipedal species that is able to manipulate their limbs to move in almost any direction imaginable. Their faces are blank slates, hosting only dark, bulbous eyes. They have sparse hair cover on the top of their head, often only a few threads drooping in front of their face. They have no mouth and communicate solely with hand gestures and sign language. 

V'srk (virsk): a bull-like species that resembles minotaurs. Their faces are flat and they have sharp teeth. Their horns are large and heavy, curving into the air above their skull. Their leader is Nelcu.

Vurokkid (vur-oh-kid): amorphous slime-like species that are see-through. They are toxic when touched. They are often seen in moving containers. 

Wessuro (wehs-sir-oh): a tree-like species that have the freedom to stretch their bodies to the extent of their available mass. They often mimic the shape of other species. They are often speckled with flowers and leaves. Their feet are woody stumps that are able to climb any sort of terrain. Their leader is Birum.

Zoue (zoh): Lizard-like humanoid creatures that have no venom. They are able to twist their head almost 360 degrees. Their leader is Omphu.

--- Planets ---

A1-308: The planet home to the Vokkrus. It is a barren, desert wasteland with only a quarter of it habitable. 

The Buffet: a space station used by the Outkasts to keep their prey. 

Earth: The planet home to humans.

Istrione (ih-stree-oh-knee): The planet home to the Arnoxi. Completely covered in water, the Arnoxi live in underwater domes. There are many chutes to the surface of the planet. 

Kuy (Koo-ee): The planet home to the Montet. It is a green, lively planet with a lot of flora covering most of its surface. It is very humid and resembles a rainforest. 

--- Deities ---

The Spirits: The god of A1-308 and the Vokkrus. They are the strongest of the Children, having latched onto their creation's molten core to reserve strength instead of sleeping. 

Koiy-eh: The god of Kuy and the Montet. They do not speak with words but with flowers and vines. 

Ayoi: The god of Istrione and the Arnoxi. They are a quiet god, communing with kewtins, their version of whales.

Exodus: The god of the Anlam (and Torra). Not much is known about them, but they pride technology and knowledge (and likely sparked some life into the Torra, too)

Everything-that-was-who-became-Creation (Everything-who-became-Creation): Everything. They created their Children. Its counterpart is One-who-destroys, whom they have a soft spot for. 

One-who-destroys: Nothing. They destroy everything they touch. Its counterpart is Everything-who-became-Creation, whom they adore if not despise. 

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