Chapter 20 - Hatchlings, part 3

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Draft #102 - Eggs

It has been speculated for quite some time that the color of one's egg reveals the true nature of a Vokkrus. 

Unlike the Vokkrus themselves, who typically range in warm-colored hues, eggs are a variety of shades. Of course, warm colors are quite commonly seen - red, yellow, and orange being the most common - but there have been no limits to the shade an egg can develop. 

Nohkka's was a light silver, nearly translucent. Thruul's egg was a cheerful yellow. Mine and Rukka's were a combination of blue and red, shifting into purple where they met. Warm colors typically denoted strength and bravery, while cool colors meant calmness and wisdom. 

I have always wondered, back before I had promised myself that I would never become a father, what my hatchling's egg would look like. I have now decided that I do not really mind. It will be beautiful in any shade. 


Kohgrash looked at them with perfect confusion. "Okay, so... you guys just go to some place, pick out an egg, and bring it back here? That's how you have eggs?" 

"Yes, Kohgrash, that's what I just explained," Rulshkka said for what felt like the thousandth time. "Are you sure there is no fur in your ears, too?" 

"It's hair, you lizard," Kohgrash said reflexively, leaning back. The couch nearly swallowed him up. "I'm just having a hard time understanding." 

"Obviously," Rulshkka said dryly. "It's quite simple." 

Kohgrash squinted at him like he was just waiting for him to surprise him with a 'just kidding!' and explain how eggs were really made. But he was telling the truth! 

Eggs were kept in the deepest part of the planet, where the edges of the core could keep them warm for all eternity. No one really knows how they got there - some had speculated that the Spirits had nestled them in there, and Rulshkka agreed with them - but they were there all the same. 

All the eggs that ever have and ever would exist lie in that room. It was largely known as the nursery, though some just called it the egg room. Rulshkka has never been inside, but he knew it was located underneath the Sanctum, deep below the Mirror's room. It was heavily protected, guarded fiercely by Vokkrus and the Spirits. To even enter the room, they were briefly judged by the Spirits. If they found less than pure intentions - anything less than wanting an egg, that is - they were cast out. 

No one understood how the eggs came to be; many Vokkras over the years have attempted to keep track of the eggs, but the fabric of reality seemed to shift inside the room endlessly. One year's audit may differ vastly from the next. The eggs shifted in the room, never staying in one place. Their number dipped and rose as it pleased, never keeping to a pattern. 

Very simple, really. Rulshkka didn't understand why Kohgrash couldn't understand it. 

"Okay, whatever," Kohgrash grumbled. "I have questions, though." Rulshkka gestured for him to carry on. Kohgrash took a deep breath. 

He peppered them with questions. Will your hatchling share your blood? Yes, it would. When a pair picked out their egg, they shared genetic material with it. As of now, every egg within the nursery was essentially an empty shell, only hosting the barest sparks of life inside. How long will it take to hatch? It depended on the hatchling - some developed rather quickly while others took their time. In the case of hatchmates, they both emerged at the same time, and one was usually a bit bigger than the other. How do you take care of the egg? Kohgrash had the idea that they'd sit on them, which was commonly seen on his planet. They explained that one of the parents was taken by the Need to protect their egg.

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