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I didn't want to be like this....

But he brought it out of me.

I danced on stage in front of all these men who would go home crying and begging to their mother about me.

But not him.

I spun on the pole, my eyes only locked on him and he shook his head.

He was pissing me off.

"Tell that bitch to walk home.", I heard him yell over the music as he stood up from his seat.

I knew he could feel my eyes watching him as he exited the club.

Ending my set early, I hopped off the stage and followed him.

Once I made it outside, he had already walked halfway to his car.

I could hear my heels clicking quickly as I rushed up to him.

Reaching his car, he quickly turned around as soon as I got to him.

"I thought you wanted me to do this.", I spoke softly.

"It was a test....and you failed. I don't want some bitch who will obey everything I say. I like a challenge....you're not that.", He said leaning onto his car.

My eyes watered as I stared at him.

"You sick fuck!", I yelled.

He grabbed my neck and turned us around so that I was pressed against his car.

I tried to get air into my lungs as he squeezed my throat tighter.

He looked satisfied and amused with how he had me.

"You'd like it if I took you home and slapped you around...shoved my dick so far up your ass, you'd be shitting blood later. Right? That's what you like? A sick fuck.", He whispered into my ear.

He released my neck and stepped away from me, I fell to my knees with a sob.

"Please....want me! I'll do anything for you to want me!", I cried.

Smirking, he walked around to his passenger side door and held it open.

"Get in."

"What do you think my brain is made for

Is it just a container for the mind?

This great grey matter

Sensei replied, "What is your woman?

Is she just a container for the child?"

That soft pink matter

Cotton candy, Majin Buu, oh, oh, oh

Close my eyes and fall into you, you, you

My God, she's giving me pleasure

Oh, no, no

What if the sky and the stars are for show

And the aliens are watching live

From the purple matter?

Sensei went quiet then violent

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