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It happened so quick.....

So easily too.

I was fucking addicted to that white powder.

I enjoyed that shit too but the people around me didn't.

The people who loved me didn't.....

"You need to cut them drugs out. Like deadass.", Gia mugged.

She hadn't talked to me for a while but today it seemed like the whole group hosted a fucking intervention.

It had been a couple of months since I've started doing drugs.....and being in a actual relationship with my abuser.

I get slapped around often but the pain is nothing compared to how good the drugs make me feel.

"Y'all....it's not like I'm a dirty bitch out somewhere selling pussy for it. It's just a little here and there, I don't do it everyday.", I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Did you do it today?", Harmony asked.

I remained quiet because I in fact did do it today but they just caught me on a bad day.

"The girl is a crackhead.", Bali mugged.

"Don't fucking call her that!", Vinno huffed.

He looked pissed to no extent.

He was the one who caught me sniffing the shit up my nose last month.

I had got into it bad with my man and left back to my place for 2 weeks not talking to anyone.....just doing drugs.

He told the rest of the crew and here we are today.

"Why the fuck not. That's what she is! And why the fuck does she have those glasses on? Take them off!", Bali yelled and stood up.

He sounded hurt....I never wanted to hurt anyone.

"Bali, please. Sit down.", Cathy mumbled while reaching up to grab his arm.

He snatched it away and walked over to where I was sitting.

Standing in front of me, he shook his head.

"Take them off.", he spoke lowly.

Turning to my side and gathering my things, I shook my head.

"Man, I'm leaving if this is all y'all called me over here for.", I huffed.

"I said take them bitches off!", Bali yelled causing me to jump back.

Everyone sat around just staring at me.

I felt tears growing in my eyes.

"Oh, so y'all called me here to humiliate me?", I laughed as a tear slipped down my face.

"No one is here to do that.", Cathy said standing up and walking over to stand next to Bali.

"Oh really! So why the fuck do I feel like I'm being attacked right now?", I yelled.

I pushed Bali away from me and stood up.

"I'm over this shit.", I spoke.

Walking towards the door, I was yanked back by Gia.

"Let me go!", I yelled.

Gia reached up and grabbed my glasses, yanking them off my face.

Harmony gasped and the room went silent.

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