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I'm not a bad guy.....well I never was to the public until I met her.

She just reminded me so much of my mother and I hated that.

I hated that the way she was around me reminded me of my mother.

So it made me think that I must be like my father then, right?

I must be.

"You've been a real asshole lately.", my little brother scoffed as he got into my car.

I was picking him up late from school because I was so lost in my thoughts.

I just had Keli jumped.

I didn't want to have kids with her, I really didn't want anything from her.

She was just too cocky when I met her, too used to getting whatever man she wanted.

Now I have her at my ever beck and call.

I enjoyed letting my anger out on her and since my image was already fucked up because she told my mother.....

Why not be like Louis?

Why not be what he created?

When he died I could feel his spirit come into me.....

I tried to fight it but Keli....she brought it out of me.

"Your good guy act is fading, huh?", my brother laughed.

"Shut the fuck up before I make you walk.", I mugged.

"It's crazy to me that you had everyone thinking you were the smart, kind, not abusive son! You beat Hollie's ass just like daddy beat mama! You paint me and my brothers out to be like him.....when your him reincarnated.", he chuckled.

His laughter was pissing me off.

I pulled over in the middle of the highway.

"Get the fuck out my shit and walk.", I mugged.

"Say less.", he laughed and hopped out.

I sped off without looking back.

Pulling out my phone as I sped down the rode, I dialed Keli's number.

It went straight to voicemail.

"The fuck.", I said out loud to myself.

I punched my steering wheel and decided to pull over off the highway.

I stepped out of my car and sat on the hood.

Grabbing the blunt that was behind my ear, I placed it to my lips and lit it.

The sun was setting around me and I noticed that I was in the middle of no where.

I felt my phone vibrating on my lap and picked it up to see my mother calling.

"What?", I answered annoyed.

"Did you leave your fucking brother on the highway?", she yelled.

"I did do that.", I said truthfully.

"What the fuck has been going on with you? What happened to my good boy, Oliver! You can talk to me.", she said sounding sad.

"I don't know mama....that day in the bakery. The way you looked at Keli is the way everyone use to look at you when I was little......", I spoke.

"Oliver....I know you think that but I didn't look at her in no kind of way, baby. I didn't know her.", she lied.

"Mama, I already know the truth. You looked at me with disgust but it's crazy because I pay for everything that you have. I took care of you when daddy couldn't. Do you know how fucked up I am?", I asked her.

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