The Painted Lady

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Sorry, the chapter is rushed.
I had exams to worry about and I couldn't think straight.

I'll let you enjoy the chapter.


Appa was slogging his way down the course of a sludge infested river in the fire nation. Every member of team avatar were doing their thing with Y/N meditating while Aang and momo were frolicking in the putrescent water.

Aang: Momo!

Just as momo was about to turn to the origin of the voice he dove down the river.

Aang: Oh Momo!

He dove again but this time Momo flies to him.

Aang: Hahahahaha! You found me, buddy!

He looked down at the water in distaste and airbends up to Appa's saddle, where he stands dripping in sludge.

Aang: Hey guys, I think this river's polluted.

Airbends mud off himself, splattering the rest of Team Avatar with mud save for Y/N who ducked down in time, which causes them to cry out in disgust.

Toph: Pah! Plegh!

Aang airbends again, blowing the rest of the mud back into the river and messing up their hair.

Sokka: Well that explains why I can't catch a fish around here, because normally my fishing skills are off the hook!

He said as he held up a fishing hook. The gaang is unamused as Aang sits back down.

Sokka: Get it? Like a fishing hook!

Fornax: Y/N… I don't get the joke, am I stupid?

Y/N's thoughts: Yes, yes you are.

Fornax: Well, that's reassuring.

Toph: Too bad your skills aren't on the hook.

Toph, Aang, and Katara laughed as Sokka made a disgruntled face.

Fornax: What's up with those confusing fishing jokes?

Katara: It looks like we'll need to go somewhere else to get food,

She said as she unrolled a long scroll infront of her.

Katara: assuming that'll fit into Sokka's master schedule.

Sokka: Hmmm ... It's doable. But that means only two potty breaks today.

Katara looked in the distance and saw a small fire nation village, from the looks of it, the village doesn't look like it's in good shape.

Katara: Hey, maybe we can get food there!


Aang was placing mat grass above Appa to hide him from any potential danger.

Aang: Now you look just like a little hill with horns! Bye, buddy!

Appa groans as Momo briefly reveals himself under some more grass nearby.

Toph: I don't feel anything. Where is the village?

Y/N: It's in the middle of the river!

He said as he pointed towards the village.

Dock: Sure is! My name's Dock. Mind if I ask who you are?

Katara: We're um ... from the Earth Kingdom colonies.

Dock: Wow ... Colonials. Hop on, I give you ride in the town.

The Gaang got on the boat with Dock paddling across the sludge infested river.

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