Boys n' trouble

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- since you turned in your work early and came late to class "Said mr.Han"
- alright- "he says with a frowny face"
- "as he's finishing his math equations,the whole class turned in the papers"
-ugh finally done! "He groans"
- huh- "mind" where the heck is everyone?
- done? ""
- put it on my table and go. Tengen is waiting for you
"Said mr.Han"
- he's still here?! "Kyoujuro said concerned"
- yes I am. Now put the paper on the table and let's go. "Said Uzui"
- ah,okay! *spring* "he jumps out of his seat puts the paper on mr.Han's table and walks to the class door"
- goodbye mr.Han!
- "rengoku walks out of the classroom"
- the next lesson starts in 5 minutes so be quick idiot. "Said Uzui"
- ah,alright!!
- "both of them walk to the main hall"
-UZUIII!!!!! "Someone screamed"
- huh-?
- who's calling me?
- UZUI-SAN!!!!
- HELP USSS! "Said the unknown person"
- huh?
- "the unknown person runs towards Uzui and rengoku"
- oh. It's you
- "it turns out the unknown person was Zenitsu and his friends,Tanjiro and Inosuke"
- ugh what is it,I have class in 3 minutes...
- *sob* Uzui san!!! Tomioka-sensei is always mean to me!!!!

- *sniff* *sniff* I neEd yOu tO tEll hIm tO sToP!! YoUr sO poPuLaR aNd hAnDsOmE WAAAH!!- uh

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- *sniff* *sniff* I neEd yOu tO tEll hIm tO sToP!! YoUr sO poPuLaR aNd hAnDsOmE WAAAH!!
- uh.
- my friend zenitsu! "Said rengoku"
- you should listen to tomioka-sensei!
- maybe even stick to not talking !
- you are very annoying sometimes zenitsu!
- *sniff* huh..?
- Flame boy is right Monitsu!!!!
- you should just shut up! "Said inosuke"
-NOW COME ON!!! "He grabs Zenitsu by the collar and drags him away"
- ah,thank you for the advice! "Said tanjiro"
- no problem!!
- I'll get going!
- do your best kamado boy!!
- thank you!
- "runs along with inosuke and Zenitsu"
Inosukee!! Your gonna hurt him!! "Said tanjiro"
- weirdo. "Said tengen"
- who? Me or Zenitsu?
-both of you :/
- HEY!! That is not nice Tengen!
- yeah,yeah.
-EXCUSE ME !! DONT MIND ME IM JUST PASSING THROUGH "yelled some student while he was running away from someone"
- huh? "Said the both of them"
- "the student was running very fast so he bumped into kyoujuro and Tengen"
- WOAH- "said the both of them as they fell on eachother"
- "when they fell they both kissed."
- "mmph!
- Huuu- Tengen are you alright?! "Rengoku asks while he starts blushing"
- I should be asking YOU that !?
- "Tengen says while he also starts to blush"
- w-what happened? "Asks rengoku"
- that dumbass bumped into us.
- I should get up.. "he says as he blushes more"
- "Tengen gets up and also helps kyoujuro get up"
- ^^AKWARD^^
- "the school bell rang"



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