What are these feelings..?

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- wait....tengen...?
- hm?
- can we skip school today?
- why?
- I wanna be with you at your dorm.
- *tengen looks at rengoku with a smirk*
- say less~
- *grabs rengokus hand*
- *runs quickly out of school*
- *kyojurou following along*
- *they quickly run into tengens dorm*
- we're here!
- augh~ my head is spinning~
- did I run too fast?
- yeah..
- now,what did ya wanna do?
- I don't know actually...
- kyojurou I know there's something on your mind~
- *rengoku blushes*
- can we lay next to each other for now..?
- sure~
- *tengen flops onto his bed*
- *rengoku aswell gets onto tengens bed*
- aren't you hot in that hoodie?
- nope!
- ...
- *tengen turns around to rengokus side*
- I know yesterday or today was bothering you somehow.
- tell me what was bothering you.
- ...!
- nothing is bothering me?..
- come on,i know something is.
- *rengokus face goes red*
- ....
- I was pissed about you doing whatever you wanted to my body!! *he shouts*
- ..!!!
- was I really that perverted?..
- Yes! And you still are!
- oh come on! You came yesterday at night because *YOU* wanted to have sex with me!
- And you took advantage of my body today too!
- *pulls rengoku closer*
- hey..!
- you don't mean it,right..?
- *rengoku looks away*
- kyojurou..
- *rengoku blushes*
- stop calling me by my first name it's weird.
- why would it be weird?
- we know eachother 18 years so why can't I call you kyojurou~
- agh shut up! *places his hand on tengens mouth*
- listen okay.? I don't know what got into me.
- so you're not mad at me? *muffled*
- oh wait
- *puts his hand away*
- what were you saying?
- so you're not mad at me?
- I can't say that you didn't make me mad but...
- Hm?
- I still liked you because I knew I would come back to you
- Hey kyojurou,it's alright you don't have to explain it
- ah,alright..
- hey kyojurou?
- yes?
- how about tonight you do whatever you want.
- how does that sound?
- I didn't say we could fuck tonight.
- awhhh...
- tengen let me say two things.
- we aren't boyfriends.
- and we slept together just yesterday.
- you know what? Why did I even give you a second chance after you did whatever pleased you to my body.
- what are you...?
- you know what?
- *gets out of bed*
- I wanted to lay with you in peace! *he yells as he also starts sobbing*
- *tengen sits up*
- kyojurou why are you crying?!
- because of your damn desires! *starts crying even more but trying to wipe all of his tears*
- kyojurou I'm...im sorry okay?
- I've said it before.
- I don't give a shit.!*he yells again*
- *tengen stands up*
- kyojurou.
- What!?..
- im sorry.
- ..
- do you really think that's gonna help?! *he yells*
- *tengen stands up and walks up to kyojurou*
- *picks him up*
- h-hey!! Put me down!
- *places kyojurou on the bed*
- gets on top of him*
- let me tell you something kyojurou.
- - if you ever "left" me,you would come back.
- that's something I know.
- n-
- no,don't talk.
- would you get turned on by someone else rather then me?
- you could.
- but remember,you got hard from just my voice one time.
- you might not know that I know.
- but I do~
- I'm the only one you could trust when it comes to this.
- and because I'm not good with words,I'll give you a physical apology.
- *kiss*
- Mphm!?
- haa~
- I'm sorry.
- *hugs him aswell*
- accept my apology.
- I'll say it one more time okay?
- *gets closer to kyojurous ear*
- I'm sorry~
- *flush!*
- *bulge*
- Hm?
- I-I'm sorry! *he flusterdly said*
- n-nothing..*he covers his face*
- can I go to the bathroom.?
- uh..? Sure?
- *tengen moves out of his way*
- *kyojurou gets out of the bed and sprints to the bathroom*
- *locks himself*
- *Tengen in mind* fuck I'm embarrassed too...how did he even get hard..
- *rengoku in mind* fuck..i cant stand his voice when he's that close to me..
- *rengoku in mind*I was mad at him a few minutes ago what happened..?
- his voice...
- *kyojurou takes off his hoodie and slides his hand under his shirt*
- hnngh..
- *mind* shit! I'm not myself right now!!
- *mind* what am I doing?!...I was angry at him just now!
- *slides his hand down*
- hnngh~ just like uzui~
- *mind*Why would I say that?!
- *mind* snap out of it!
- *mind* what are these feelings..
- TENGENS POV>>>>>>>
- *mind* he's right. Im a pervert,we just slept together yesterday and I wanna do it again..
- *mind* we aren't boyfriends..right?
- *blank*
- *from the bathroom* hnngh!~
- ?
- hm?
- *mind* he's doing his business kinda loudly,I should warn him
- *gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom door*
- hey kyo-
- "hnngh!~ just like uzui~~"
- *tengen in mind* okay,holy shit.
- *mind* what the hell is he doing...wasn't he angry at me five minutes ago?
- *mind* agh I'll just let him be.
- *walks back to the bed*
- *lays on it*
- haa~ now I can get the rest of my morning sleep..
- still how could I get a boner...
- I'll just...
- *takes off his clothes*
- *gets into tengens shower*
- *showers with cold water*
- haa~
- *showering*
- *stops*
-  there..
- much better.
- I got it to go down.
- *puts on the clothes he was wearing except the hoodie*
- *unlocks the bathroom door*
- *walks out and hangs the hoodie*
- *looks at tengen*
- *mind* he's sleeping..
- *mind* you know what?..screw being mad at him,he's always been a jerk I don't know what got into me.
- *walks to the bed and lays next to tengen*
- I accept your apology..*he whispers*
- *tengen pulls kyojurou closer without saying anything and still sleeping*
- mngh...
- *rengoku slightly blushes*
- tengen..you're so immature,I love that.
- *he smiles*
- *mind* so in the end we did get to sleep next to eachother..
- *closes his eyes*
- *falls asleep*




I really put my effort into this chapter so I hope you enjoy it! Tbh I'll try to make the wait time for the next chapter as short as possible but I think I'll get it done in two weeks.

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!<33I really put my effort into this chapter so I hope you enjoy it! Tbh I'll try to make the wait time for the next chapter as short as possible but I think I'll get it done in two weeks

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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