Strange behavior

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-"He rubs his eyes"
- what...was that?!.
- "he blushes"
- Ngh..
- what time is it.
- *7:24 pm*
- ..
- oh yeah! I didn't do my homework!!!!
- *spring* "he jumps out of bed"
- "mind" oh. I fell asleep in my uniform
- "mind" I'm gonna go change first
- "he walks to his closet"
- "he picks out a shirt,pants and a hoodie"
- "he puts those clothes on"
- okay,let's get to homework!
- "he walks to his desk and takes out his homework"
- *writing*
- "RRRRIINGGGG! Came from his phone"
- huh?
- yes? "He says"
- oh, hey Mitsuri!!! "He answer's"
- Wanna go get some corndogs at 8 o'clock!
- shinobu and Uzui are coming too!! "Mitsuri says"
- Uzui...?
- kekeke
- you scared? "Says Mitsuri"
- scaredy cat! Scaredy cat!
- uh! Fine! "Says rengoku"
- KYAA!!! YAYY!!
- SEE YOU AT 8!!!
- see you.
- bye!
- BYE!!!!
- "he ends the call"
- alright. Don't be nervous. It was just a...BADDDDD dream!
- now I gotta get this homework done!
- "he continues his homework until he is done"
- "it is now 8:05"
- hm. Done!
- what time is it?
- shoot! I'm late!!
- RRRRRIIIINGGGG "came from his phone"
- yeah?
- Rengoku where are you!!!! Everyone's waiting! "She said angrily"
- I'm sorry! I just finished my homework!! I'm coming outside in a bit!!
- alright but be quick!
- "he ends the call"
- shoot!
- *spring* "he quickly gets up from the table and goes out from his dorm"
- I'm here!!! "He yells"
- KYO!!! "Mitsuri yells"
- "they both run towards eachother"
- high five! "Said rengoku"
- huh-? "Said Mitsuri"
- I thought you were gonna hug me!
- I don't wanna squish your uh...
- oh! I get it! "Said Mitsuri flustered"
- sorry! "Said Mitsuri"
- "they give eachother high fives"
- hello shinobu!
- hello..Tengen.
- hello! "Says shinobu"
- hey! "Says Uzui"
- ah, Mitsuri! Tell Uzui what you saw when you were on the "trip"! "Says shinobu"
- what trip? "Asks Mitsuri"
- THAT "trip" "says shinobu"
- ohh!!! Yeah ok!! "Says Mitsuri"
- Tengen I wanna tell you about my "trip!!"
- ooh! Sounds flashy!
- yeah!
- "shinobu sneaks near rengoku"
- Kyoujuro? "Says shinobu"
- hm.?
- if your uncomfortable sitting next to Uzui then you can sit next to me! "Says shinobu"
- oh! Thank you very much shinobu-San!
- no problem!!!
- you should have taken some pictures of the trip! That would be flamboyant!! "Says Uzui"
- yeah but I forgot my phone at home! "Says Mitsuri"
- okay! "Says mitsuri"
- shall we get going?
- alright! "Said all of them"
- "they continue to walk for 10 minutes until they got to the restaurant"
- we're here!!!! "Said Mitsuri"
- "they enter the restaurant and order their corndogs"
- "shinobu,rengoku,Uzui and Mitsuri sit together"
- "and they wait for the corndogs to arrive"
- here are your orders! "Said the waiter"
- woah! "Said shinobu,Uzui and Kyoujuro"
- hm? Mitsuri you aren't amazed? "Asked rengoku"
- I am! But i already went here many times!
- Wait..TENGEN?! KYOUJURO?! "Said shinobu and Mitsuri"
- HOW MANY DID YOU GUYS ORDER?! "Said Mitsuri and shinobu"
- seven."said rengoku"
- ten. "Said Uzui"
- "they all begin to eat"
- mhm!! Yummy! "Said Mitsuri"
- yeah! "Said shinobu"
- "after some time passes"
- done! "Said Mitsuri and shinobu"
- mhm "said rengoku and Uzui"
- what time is it? "Asked Uzui"
- let me look! "Said Mitsuri"
- *9:26*
- it's 9:26 pm!
- then shall we order some drinks too? "Said Uzui"
- sure! "Said everyone else"
- I'll go order them. "Said shinobu"
- "she walks to the cashier"
- hello! Can we also order eight beers?
- sure "said the cashier"
- wait 2 minutes! "Said the cashier"
- okay!
- "shinobu goes to sit"
- we gotta wait 2 minutes! "Said shinobu"
- "everyone nods"
- "2 minutes pass by"
- here are your beers! "Said the waiter"
- thank you "said shinobu"
- "they each get 2 bottles of beer"
- cheers! "Said shinobu"
- cheers! "Said everyone else"
- rengoku..?! Slow down! "Mitsuri said worrying"
- *chug chug*
- *hic*
- ..I wanna get rid of something on my mind. "Said rengoku"
- okay! b-b-but slow down! You already finished 1 bottle!! "Said mitsuri"
- you should really slow down Kyoujuro.."shinobu added"
- yeah rengoku. "Said Uzui"
- "rengoku looks at Uzui"
- "he grabs the 2nd bottle"
- "he glugs it"
- RENGOKU!! "Said everyone else"
- rengoku chill!? That's way past your limit!! "Said uzui"
- mhJm yeAh. "Said rengoku"
- sHino.. I don't fEel we-
- *SLAM!*
- Kyoujuro!
- "rengoku fell asleep(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞"
- ... he fell asleep "said shinobu"
- we're almost done drinking so it should be fine. "Said Uzui"
- "they finish drinking,pay and leave the restaurant"
- I'll take rengoku to his dorm you take Mitsuri to her dorm. "Said Uzui"
- I'm just a tinyyyy bit drunk! I can walk by myself! "Said Mitsuri"
- yeah but Rengoku's dead asleep "said Uzui"
- I'll carry him to his dorm.
- alright. "Said shinobu"
- bye shinobu! "Said Uzui"
- bye Uzui. "Said shinobu"
- "they both go to their dorms"
- "Uzui puts rengoku down"
- "holds him"
- uh,Kyoujuro?
- ngmh...
- Kyoujuro-
- ..
- hghm?..HUH?
- hu- yeS?
- ??
- "rengoku jumps away"
- hahA! Uh- BYE!
- "he quickly goes into his dorm and slams the door"
- huh-
- what the heck is wrong with him- "said Uzui"
- "door creaks open"
- huh?..rengoku..?
-...good..night Tengen. "Said rengoku"
- "he shuts the door"
- ..
- "mind" atleast he said goodnight.
- "mind" but..what does rengoku want to get rid of so bad that he has to chug 2 bottles at once.

To be continued :)

Creators note: Hello! I apologize that I haven't been posting !!(メ﹏メ)

Spoiler🤭: 6th chapter will have some "Thwop thwop thrust thrust"

Spoiler🤭: 6th chapter will have some "Thwop thwop thrust thrust"

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