The smell of alcohol~

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- "mind" ...
- "Uzui walks away and walks to his dorm"
- "turns back"
- goodnight..Kyoujuro.
- "he turns to his dorm and goes in it"
- "he closes the door"
- *sigh* ...sorry Tengen.
- "rengoku walks to his bed"
- *stumble*
- oOf!
- "he falls on his bed"
- *groan*
- ..why me-
- "laying on the bed"
- why's...everything...spinn-
- "he fell asleep"
- *spring* huh.?
- "he looks around"
- I must be in a dream..?
- ..
- "mind" why does my bottom feel so stingy..?
- nhg,ah,rengoku..why'd you stop?
- huh.?
- Tengen?!
- yeah.?
- what has gotten into you?
- "rengoku looks back"
- Nghh?!!
- w-what?!
- "mind" i-im on top of him!?
- "rengoku blushes"
- "mind" no,no,no! I g-gotta wake up!
- *grunt*
- *opens eyes*
- *pant* *pant*
- Yes!..I got out!
- ...
- why do I keep getting erotic dreams..
- ..what..time is it?
- *00:34*
- ..midnight.
- "he blushes"
- *grunt* what is..wrong with me.
-  fuck.
- now I can't sleep.
- "mind" what do I do.
- ..
- I'm thirsty.
- *spring* "he got out of bed and went into the kitchen"
- "he grabs a glass and puts water in it"
- "he drinks it"
- haa~ much better!
- I think.
- ......why did I even have THAT kind of dream.
- "mind"..maybe I should settle things with him,so I can get rid of those dreams..
- "mind" settle things...
- "he blushes"
- ..
- Argh! *SMASH*
- *gasp*
- huh..?!
- "mind" shit! I cut my hand
- ow- *grunts*
- "he quickly throws the broken glass in the trash"
- "mind" where are the bandages.?
- there.!
- "he quickly grabs the bandages and wraps them around his palm"
- "mind" ..these things always lead to me getting hurt.
- a-alright!..I'm gonna settle things with Uzui!
- I?
- hm..
- "mind" now what do I do.?
- "mind" and what time is it?
- *1:09*
- "mind" 1 am..
- "mind" I guess I'll call shinobu to see if she's awake..
- RRRIIIIINGGGG "came from shinobu phone"
- hm....?
- who would call me at this hour..?
- *yawn*
- oh. Rengoku!
- "shinobu picks up the call"
- yes rengoku? "She asked on the phone with her tired voice"
- ..shinobu..? Can I come to your dorm.?
- huh?!..why? "Answered curiously shinobu"
- I had a really bad nightmare..and I accidentally cut my hand..
- oh my! Are you okay?
- alright can come over
- thank you so much shinobu!!
- no problem.
- bye bye.
- bye! "Rengoku then hung up the phone"
- "he took his phone put some shoes on and ran to shinobu's dorm"
- *huff* "he knocks"
- hm.? "The door opens"
- oh rengoku!
- come in!
- thanks..
- "sninobu closes the door"
- so..what is this nightmare you had? "She says"
- uhm....
- "he stands there quietly"
- ah...if you don't wanna say it then you don't have to! "She says"
- mhm..
- are you sober or still drunk?
- ....I..don't know? "Says rengoku"
- me your hand
- okay.....?
- you even know how to wrap bandages around your hands?
- actually-
- I can tell.
- but....can we be talking normally when mitsuri is right here sleeping?...
- she is quite the heavy don't worry!
- ah..okay.
- now..let me wrap your hand the correct way.."said shinobu"
- ah! Heh alright
- "shinobu goes to get bandages"
- here..!
- "she wraps the bandages around his palm"
- there.."she smiles"
- mhm...
- one more question....
- what? "Shinobu asks curiously"
- I-..I..I wanna settle things with uzui.
- ? the misunderstanding?..
- no.
- I wanna settle things with him."said rengoku with a straight face"
- oh..oh my!
- well that's..uhhhh
- interesting!...
- .....
- I-i don't know why though.."said kyojurou"
- I've only had 2 erotic dreams with him....
- erotic dreams..!? "Said shinobu,shocked"
- ..yeah..
- hm,well...I think it's too early it was just 2 of them...!
- hm...I thought so too shinobu
- then..we'll see in a few days if you keep getting them!
-if they do come again,then come tell me..alright?
- okay....
- well..go sleep.
- and tell me if you got another erotic dream.
- goodnight.!
- "kyojurou goes back to his dorm"
- "he flops on his bed"
- haaghh...!
- I can't anymore!!
- this is so embarrassing.!!!
- but shinobu was right...I can't things with uzui when I've only had 2 erotic dreams.
- and maybe he doesn't even feel the same!.
- .....
- let's go to sleep I guess..
- ....
- "he falls asleep"
- ....
- .....
- ........
- ...........
- ...............
- *wakes up*
- huh...?
- ..shit.
- I'm not really awake.
- this is another dream...
- but..I don't feel anything..?
- i feel..a little cold.?
- ....!!!!!!!
- ....?!
- what's wrong rengoku..? "Said uzui"
- w-why am I naked..?!!
- what do you mean?..
- do you not remember that we f-ck3d.?
- Haagh..?!!!
- huuuhhhhh.??!!!
- long did we do it?!
- about 2 hours,why?
- gah.!!!!
-*Rengoku tries to wake up*
- "he wakes up"
- mngh...
- "he pulls his blanket down"
- haa..?!
- HAAAAAA.??!!!!

To be continued

Hey guys!! Sam here! Im online again!!!!! Chapter 6 soon!!

Hey guys!! Sam here! Im online again!!!!! Chapter 6 soon!!

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